I'm not a princess (Emerson)

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I woke up at the crack of dawn to the rest of my roommates preparing for the day. "Who has breakfast duty again?" I asked in a groggy voice. "You I think." Meridith said. I nodded, got dressed, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the royal kropp family.

You see, I'm a servant of the family. I was brought in from my home village a few months ago. I was told a had an amazing opportunity to be a servant in the of Palaye. I would be working with other servants to help make life for the royal family easier.

They were nice people as far as I could tell. Queen Stephanie ruled with a fair hand. She wasn't feared, but also wasn't mocked. Her son's were the next heirs to the throne. Sebastian, Remington, and Emerson were their names. Sebastian didn't care for the servants. He was a very selfish one. Never saying thank you. Always bossing us around. Mainly Haily. She's the newest one. She got here last week.

Remington was a mischievous one. Always running through the halls. Pulling pranks on his brothers, hanging from the rafter, anything trouble you could think of.

Then there was Emerson. The youngest of the three. He was the nicest. He always used manners and was kind to us and others. He kept to himself most times, but frequently stopped by to check on us. He was my favorite of the three.

As I was preparing the breakfast I heard the familiar whistle that only one person I know whistles. I looked behind me to see Emerson. I don't know why but I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Good morning Miss. Y/n" he said cheerfully. He always called me miss. As if I had a place in the castle. "Good morning your highness." I said as I sat the muffins on the table. "Ooh muffins, my favorite." I smiled at him and continued working.

"Need any help miss. Y/n?" He asked. "Oh, no your highness. I have it from here. Thank you though." I said. He smiled as a reply. "I should be getting back to my room. Nice seeing you Miss y/n." He walked out of the kitchen and my stupid smile couldn't leave my face.

"What's got you all blushed up?" Haily asked. "Oh! Uh nothing! Nothing at all." I said. "She gave me a knowing smile. "What?" I asked. "Prince Emerson came by didn't he?" She asked smirking. My cheeks turned more red and the smile got wider. "Maybe." She let out a faint laugh. "He sure does fancy you, y/n." She said. I began making everyone's plates. Knowing what they liked but this point. "I doubt that, Haily." I said sitting Queen Stephanie's plate at the head of the table.

"Of course he does. He always offered to help you and seems to take interest in you more than the rest of us." She said filling Prince Sebastian's plate. I dull look on her face. Sebastian terrified her. He was cruel to her for no reason.

After finishing Prince Remington's and cleaning the dishes we alerted them everything was ready. As they came in we stood to the side. Waiting in them in case anything was needed. I spotted Emerson smiling at the muffin on his plate. He quickly glanced over to me and smiled. I felt myself beginning to turn red. The rest of the girls smiled at me.

They talked about going into town today to do some important things. I wasn't really listening. "Hailey!" Prince Sebastian's voice echoed through the hall. She shot up from her trance and scurried over to him. Doing whatever had to be done. She came back shaking. Poor dear.

After everyone was done eating Haily and I started on dishes. "You looked rattled when you returned, Haily." I said worried for her. "Oh, he just shared some words with me." She said tearing up from the thought. "Were they harsh?" I asked concerned for her. "Very." I gave her a hug and she excused herself to her room.

After I finished the dishes I was told by the Queen's messenger that I had received the day off. Odd.

I went to the garden behind the castle. It was peaceful there. Only the sounds of nature and your own breathing and footsteps. I walked through the daises until I got to my favorite spot. A weeping willow tree just on the edge of the garden. I leaned against the bark and watched the flowers sway side to side.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Prince Emerson's voice shook me from my thoughts. "Oh! Yes indeed your highness." I said. "My grandmother is the one that planted all these roses. They were her favorites." He said. Just the sound of his voice made me feel all different emotions. Calm and flustered were the main ones. "You look as red as the roses y/n, any reason?" He asked. "Oh, no your highness. Just a little hot is all." I lied straight through my teeth. If it wasn't Emerson I would be in big trouble.

"Have you ever seen this place at night?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Oh it's beautiful Miss y/n. The night sky mixed with the moon casts a wonderful dark glow over everything. The stars shine as bright as diamonds. It's really a sight." He said. "I would love to see it sometime." I said. "Would you like to see it tonight?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Meet me at sunset. I'll be in the throne room." I nodded. "Until tonight Miss y/n." He said lightly kissing my hand. What's with him and making me blush.

As I entered back into the castle I heard sobs from down the corridor. I followed the sounds until I was met with Prince Sebastian's door slightly cracked. "You foolish peseant you! You can't do anything right!" He yelled at her. A glass vase had broken and she was trying to pick it up. I had to go before I was caught.

Nighttime fell sooner than expected. I quietly rushed to the throne room. Seeing Emerson waiting for me. He smiled at me. "Hello Miss y/n." He said sweetly. "Hello your highness." I said with a slight curtsey. I could never do it right. He had me cover my eyes as we went to the garden. He led me there so I wouldn't fall.

I soon felt us stop. "Okay. Open!" He said. I looked and it was just as beautiful as he described it. Everything he said was right. "It's beautiful." I said barely above a whisper. "Just a beautiful as you." He said. I flew myself blush. "The more you blush the more beautiful I find you." He said. He handed me a rose from the garden. I thanked him and we sat with our backs against the willow tree.

As we sat there I couldn't help but think of what Haily and all the other girls would say. "He fancies you y/n" those words kept counting through my mind. No matter how crazy they were I wanted to believe them.

"What's on your mind Miss. Y/n?" He asked me. "Just something the girls keep saying to me." I said. I might as well tell him. Whatever harm is down is done. "What would that be?" He asked. "They say you fancy me. That I'm your favorite of us servants." I said. He was quiet for a minute. "Well, they're not wrong." He said. Now it was his turn to blush. I was confused. "Why?" I ask. "Why what?" He questions. "Why me. Out of all the princesses you could have why do you choose me?" I said slightly tearing up. I mean. I'm not princess, I'm definitely not a queen, I'm nothing special. So why do you want me?"

He looked at me and smiled. Moving closer to me. "That's exactly why Miss y/n. I looked at him. "You are you. You aren't of royal blood which is fine. You don't have to have a tiara on your head, because your tiara is on your heart. You're the sweetest person I have ever met. You're personality is beautiful. You so nice and kind to everyone you come in contact with. Even my cruel brother. You have a heart of gold. That's why I fancy you. You're kindness and your organic beauty. Why would I want a prissy princess when I could have you? I would love it if you would be mine." He said kissing my cheek.

I was in shock. All the words he spoke were truthful and authentic. But alas I couldn't. "I-I can't I said. "Why not." He looked hurt and heartbroken. "Because I'm not of royal descent. I would ruin the bloodline if I was to bear a child. I would also be mocked by the whole kingdom. I'm nothing but a servant." He looked into my eyes and took my hand. "It wouldn't matter to me if our child was a half-blood, pure-blood, or commoner. I wouldn't care as long as it's half you and learns to rule fair. You my dear would not be mocked under my mother's rule I can garantee that. You might see yourself as just a servant, but in my eyes." He removed his crown and put it on my head. "You're a princess." He said.

I took his hand in mine and looked into his beautiful green eyes. The same green as the garden. He looked at me hopeful. "I would love to be yours." I said. He led me back into the castle and took me to my room. We said our goodbyes and went to bed. Maybe the girls were right all along.

By for now my loves

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