I'm here for you (Emerson)

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As a person with depression this is one of the hardest topics to write about. So hard that I barely can,but I'm gonna try. I don't even know if you can classify this as a depressed character.

It was just another average day. While the world was being shiny and optimistic I was hidden away in the dark knowing nothing was going to go good.

I pass my mom on the way out. "Good morning,dear" she says cheery while getting my sister ready for school. "Hey" I say glumly as I walk out the door. Not even wanting to go to school. It's like they designed it to be my own personal hell.

I show up and go to my locker. Trying to avoid all the fake,preppy people I go to school with. When I get there I see signs reading slut,emo, depression faker,whore and so many more. These shouldn't get to me but they always find a way to. With tears brimming my eyes and shove them in the trash.

I walk the crowded halls to my first period class. "Look, it's the emo slut!" Someone yells. "Still "depressed y/n?" I pull my hood up and continue walking. Pretending not to care.

I do a lot of that. Pretending. Pretending I'm okay, pretending I don't care, pretending that people care about me.

I walk into class and see someone in my seat. He looks to be my age. Semi long brown hair,a pirate hat,several necklaces,and dressed as what I can only guess is a pirate.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is this you're seat?" He asks me. I nod but I  sit next to him. "No I can sit there. Here,have you're seat." He gets up and we trade. It was weird. Usually people push me out of my seat,steal it and don't give it back,or just pretend I don't exist.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asks out of nowhere. I shrug. "Well,I'm Emerson. I'm new here,but I think you already guessed that." He chuckles to himself. I stay straight faced. "You don't smile much either,huh?" I shake my head no.

It's silent for a few minutes. "I'm y/n" I barely manage to get out. "That's a beautiful name. You're voice is beautiful too." I look at him with an annoyed look. He shrugs. "i mean it"

After a few classes I noticed we had most the same classes. It was lunch. I grabbed my food,which I won't eat, and go to my secluded table in the back. As I sit there I here someone sit next to me. It's Emerson. "Aren't you gonna eat?" He asks biting into an apple. "I'm not hungry" i simply say.

He looks at me. "You're awfully skinny. You should eat something." His worriness is starting to get on my nerves. "I have a fast metabolism." I say and go to throw my stuff away.

Emerson's p.o.v
After a few classes with y/n can't help but think she's depressed. She dosent talk much,she's quiet,she dosent like human interaction, her temper is short,and she always has a glasses over look in her eyes. When she lifted her sleeve up I saw scares. I want to help her. I just don't know how.

Your p.o.v
It was a few months later. I was walking home when I heard someone calling my name. I look back and see Emerson. We've become somewhat friends since he came here. "What are you doing?" I ask blankly. "Look, I know it's not right to get into other people business but- I'm fine Emerson" I cut him off,knowing where this is going. Y/n just please let me help you." He says,trying to take my hand. I pull back quickly. "I don't need help, I'm fine!" I exclaim.

"I know you're not" he says. "Believe it or not I've been where you are. I know what it's like to feel empty. Like no one cares about you. Like you're alone in this world. You don't want to be here but you don't think there's any hope left,but I promise you there is, just let me in and I'll show you what's it's like to be happy again. It's not gonna be instant,but I promise you I will try my best."

I'm crying at this point. He opens his arms and I fall into them. He does understand. I know that now. "Let's get you inside."

We go up to my room and set our stuff down. The natural light coming through my curtains fines off some light. "I guess you're not used to light" he says. I shake my head. I sit down on my bed and he follows.

"I mean it when I say I want to help you. I want to be there for you. I want to be the one to show that there's happiness out there." He takes my hand. I look at him and feel a smile twitch onto my lips. "Let me show you what being loved feels like." He moves a strand of hair out of my face. "Don't cover you're eyes. They're beautiful like you" I  blush at his words. "That's a step in the right direction."

By for now my loves

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