time to talk

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Hey guys. As you might have noticed since the last chapter I have been gone. Heres the reason.

Almost two weeks ago I lost my grandpa. My grandpa was my best friend. He was the person I could go to when life got hard or when I just needed someone to talk to.

He had been fighting a long battle with cirrhosis which infects the liver. Cirrhosis didnt cause his passing though. He choked on his vomit and passed away. I was there when it happened and you can bet my heart shattered when I realized he was gone.

For the past two weeks I've been trying to convince myself that it's all gonna be okay and I'm gonna wake up from a bad dream and everything's gonna be okay even when I know it wont be.

So that's why I've been gone. That and writers block and feeling upset about how the last chapter unpreformed more than I thought it would.

I hope you guys can understand and wait for me to get back to where I want to write again but right now is not the time. I hope you all can cut me some slack. I have couple more books of palaye content to hold you guys over for now. I promise I'll be back. Just give me time.

By for now my loves

I've been on wattpad for three years now. Who can believe it?

palaye royale imagines book two(requests open)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz