little (Emerson)

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Just to clarify. I am not fully aware of what being a little is like. I might get some things wrong and the character may not me believeable but I am trying. RawrEmoAttack is much better at this than I am. (Sorry if this offends you friend) requested by Amywilkinson04

I woke up to someone lightly tracing patterns into my arms. I opened my eyes to see Emmy smiling down at me. My stuffie on the other side of me. "Good morning my princess." He said kissing my noise. I smiled and lightly laughed. "Good morning da-Emmy!" I said innocently. I smiled to hide my embarrassment. He smiled at me. "What would you like for breakfast, my darling." He said not noticing the almost different name call. I thought for a minute. "Pancakes?" I asked. "Of course." He got up. Not bothering to put on a shirt or fix his adorable bed head. He was so cute!

As he left I slowly sink into bed more. I can't believe I almost called Emmy daddy. Like, I've wanted to,but I don't know if he's even okay with it! He's fine with me being a little and acting childish, but he might not be comfortable with me calling him that I could understand. Most other guys I had been with were not okay with my life choice.

Emmy however quickly warmed up to it. He loved it when I was little and how I would usually be seen with s stuffie in my arm or occasionally a paci in my mouth. He thought I was the most adorable person ever. He always picked my outfits and carried me around and was stern when he needed to be. Like when I'm in a bad mood and throw fits. He's a great daddy even if I don't call him that.

I went downstairs in Emmys shirt and some shorts. I had my stuffie in my hand and went to hug him from behind. "Hi princess." He said cheerfully. "Hi Emmy!" I said just as cheery. My voice being muffled in his back. I'm much shorter than him. He finds it cute. He moved and sat me on the counter. Kissing me quickly. Only to return back to the pancakes.

Once he finished he made a plate and sat it in my lap. It was already cut up. "Open." He said with a fork full of pancakes. I opened my mouth and ate the cakey goodness. I liked it when he fed me. He smiled wide and kept doing it. My cheeks turning pink as he did.

Once he finished he carried me to our room. "What do you want to wear today, kitten?" He asked. I shrugged. I didn't really care. As long as he picked it out. He nodded and picked out a simple red and black dress. Not to plain. Not to formal. He slipped it on me. I twirled around and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled at myself. "You look adorable mi amour" he said kissing my neck. I blushed more. "Thank you" I said sweetly. He smiled at me and we went to the living room.

After watching some TV he turned to me and pulled me into his lap. I giggled a little. "Look at my princess. All pretty and smiley. He said lightly showering me with kisses. I giggled more until he stopped. "Kitten, I've got something important to tell you. Are you listening?" He asked me getting serious. I nodded and gave him my undivided attention.

"I have to go on tour soon. I'll gone for three months." He said. I felt my heart brake a little. It seems that I can't go. I felt my eyes tear up and my fists clench. "You okay kitten." He asked running hands up and down my arms. "No!" I said with more attitude than needed. He seemed to not like that. "And why not?" He asked with a colder voice. "Emmy can't leave! I can't!" I said being fussy and kicking my legs and arms. He had a tighter hold on me. "Enough y/n!" He said sternly. "No!" I cried. "Am I going to have to punish you." He whispered harshly.

I immeaditly stopped. "No Emmy I'm sorry. I did wrapping my arms around his neck. "That's what I thought." He said. I nuzzled my head into his neck. "I'll miss you daddy." I said in a faint whisper. He couldn't here it.

It was the next morning. He had packed and was ready to go. I crawled over to him and hugged him from behind. "Don't go." I said almost crying. He turned around and enveloped me in a hug. "I wish I didn't have to, baby, but someone has to paly drums for us. Who else will. You know Danny won't. He can barely play his bass." He said jokingly. I laughed. "There's my precious girls smile. I blushed some more. He leaned forward and trapped my lips in a passionate kiss. I had to let go for air. "Until we meet again my love." He said caressing my chin. "Bye da-Emmy." Ugh. I almost did it again! I have to watch myself. He kissed my forehead and walked out. I already miss him.

It was a few months since Emmy had left for tour. I missed him terribly. I wanted my snuggle buddy back. I layed in a ball. Crying into my stuffie. I tried to FaceTime him but he wouldn't answer. I tried calling Remmy. He was my best friend. We told each other everything. He picked up. He looked tired from just getting off stage. "Hey y/n! What's up?" He asked. I shrugged and squeaked. "Awe. Are you feeling little sweety?" He asked. He knew. He was the first one I told. I nodded my head and felt tears brim my eyes.

"What's wrong little one?" He asked. "I want my daddy!" I cried. He knew I wanted to call emerson that and understood why I was scared. He had never had a relationship like this one. "Awe. I know sweety. He's still at the venue destroying his drums like always. You know how it is." He smiled. I laughed. Sebby came into view. "Hey y/n. Em should be here soon. We know you miss him. He said sitting Mishka down. Larisa says hi." He said. I nodded. "Feeling little?" I nodded again. "He'll be here soon. I promise. I know you want him. Bye doll." He said walking away. "Bye sebby." I did faintly.

Remmy and I talked first few minutes before Emmy came back in. "Who's on the phone?" His beautiful voice asked. I missed that voice singing me to sleep almost every night. "You're girlfriend. She misses you." He said. He quickly took the phone. "Hi princess. How are you?" He asked. "I shrugged. "I miss you." I said. He frowned at me. "I miss you too, kitten. I'll be home before you know it. I love you baby." He said. "I love you too." I hung up and cried myself to sleep.

It was a few weeks later. I woke up to someone wrapped around me. I looked up and saw my Emmy. "Good morning baby girl." He said. "Daddy!" Cheered throwing myself at him. I felt him tense up. Uh oh. I just realized what I said. I looked up at him and he gave me a questioning look. "I'm sorry! It just came out! Please don't punish me!" I cried. I hid my face in his chest.

"Look at me baby girl" i sheepishly looked at him. Instead of a mean scowl I was met with his kind eyes. "I don't mind baby. I'm surprised you hadn't done it sooner. I heard you almost say it correct yourself. It's fine. You can call me daddy whenever you like. I find it quite adorable. I smiled and hid in his chest again. "I missed you daddy." I said more confidentiality. "I missed you too baby girl. C'mon. The guys are here." He said he picked me up.

He carried me to the living room. His arms around me with mine around his neck. Once I saw remmy and sebby I jumped away from him. I hugged both of them and went back to daddy. "She's happy." Sebby said. "She is. She got her daddy back." I blushed at his words. The guys looked at me and smiled. "I told you there was nothing to be worried about. Remmy said. I smiled and hid my face in his neck. I'm glad he's back.

Hope it wasn't too bad. Hope you're happy with it Amywilkinson04

By for now my loves

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