We're done (Sebastian)

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No! It's over y/n! I can't do this anymore!" Sebastian screams at me in the middle of our living room. "Sebby, I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt you!" I say through tears. "I really didn't mean to. It was a huge mistake that I wish I never made." More tears. "Than why did you?!" He exclaims. "I was confused. You were gone flirting and talking to other girls, and Daniel was there when you weren't!" I scream. Soaring my throat. "So now you're blaming this on me?" "I'm not meaning to!" "WELL YOU ARE!" He roars. "I'm sorry I got tired of you being over clingey. I just was honestly bored of you. You complain when someone says anything to us about being together, you're scared to even hug me when others are around, and you're fake around people you hate!" 

He counts off his fingers. While he's doing this I'm progressively sinking to the floor. More and more tears escape till I'm basically a human waterfall. I look at him with tears in sadness in my eyes. He looks at me with rage and furry in his. "Seb... I'm sorry. I choke out. "Sorry is not cutting it y/n. I'm sorry, but we're done." 

He walks out. I collapse on the floor and cry and scream. "Sebby come back! I'm sorry!' I scream to no one. I stay there the remainder of the night. 

So I got dumped. Here's this. 

By for now my loves

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