Second mom (Group imagine)

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"Guys wake up we have a show in an hour!" I scream through the bunks at my older brothers. They went out last night and got shitfaced. So I'm in charge of three grown ass men,but what's new? I've been used to this since I was twelve. 

"Y/n, wake up your brothers for school." My mom drunkenly stumbles into my room. She stayed up all night drinking gin again. She's been doing this since Dad left months ago. I sigh and go to Rem and Emerson's room. I shake them both until they start stirring. "What time is it?" They both ask. "It's 6:30 you have thirty minutes to get ready for school." I say in my sister voice. They nod and get up. 

I go to Sebastian's room. He's still asleep in his clothes from yesterday. He was gone all day and night. Mom wasn't worried, but they boys and I were. We went went out searching and found nothing. We went back home hoping he would show up. I grabbed a pillow and flung it at him. "OW,OW, STOP!" He shouted at me. "That's what you get for scaring the shit out of  the guys and I!" I yell at him. "Not my fault I want to be out of this hell hole for once!" I glare at him. "We have school in an hour. CHANGE!" 

I made the boys some toast. "Aren't you going to eat, sis?" Emerson asks me. His innocent demeanor gives me hope for him. "I'm okay, em, You guys need to eat more than I do." Off we went. 

After ten minutes of bugging the guys they finally woke up. "Y/N, if you keep doing this." He moves his curtain around the same way I did. "I will fucking end you!" I rolled my eyes and walked off the bus. I started unloading the trailer. I went to ask for help but they were all on their phones. Not listening to a word I was saying. I sighed and got everything set up by myself. 

I walked into the kitchen to see Remington hunched over the table. A paper in front of  him and a pencil in his hand. "Fuck this shit!" He screams jumping out of his chair. "Hey, watch your language. What's the matter?" I put the laundry down and walk towards him. "Stupid math! None of this makes since!" He slouches in his chair. "Let me see what I can do." I look over it and finish in a few minutes. He looks at me dumbfounded. "You're welcome."  

We're in the green room before the show. I'm pacing the room thinking and hoping everything is set up correctly. "How's the merch table look?" I point at Austin. "Beautiful. Don't worry." I nod and name off several other things that could be wrong. "Will you just calm you're tits y/n. You stress over so many unimportant things that doesn't matter! You act just like mom sometimes!" Sebastian yells at me. Emerson and Remington look at me annoyed.  

"Y/n?" I look up from my book to see Emerson's sad eyes holding a blanket. "What's wrong em?" I ask. "Where's momma?" I sigh. "Momma's  gone at the moment." I say. "When will she get back?" He asks breaking my heart. "I don't know Em."  He sighs. "Can I stay with you? The thunder is scaring me and rem says I'm being a baby." He  starts tearing up. "Come here." I scoot over  and let him lay down. 

I look at Sebastian and my other brothers. "Wow. I can't believe you guys. I'm Thinking of unimportant things? You guys walk around wondering if your abs are fit enough. You wonder if your selfies look decent. I'm worrying about our goddamn fans out there! One little thing can go wrong and someone could get hurt. I'm trying to make sure we can still be a band. I've done so many things for you guys and not ONCE have I gotten a thank you from any of you! What about dragging Sebastian home from the bar when he turned eighteen? what about when I helped remington with math and everything else I've done for him. What about when I was there for Emerson and his anxiety when none of you were?

I basically sold myself just so i could get food on the table for you guys. Mom was never there for us once dad left and you motherfuckers know that. I was you're second or more like only mom. I'm the reason we weren't homeless. Just wait till I leave after this tour. You'll be so goddamned confused you'll sink faster than the Titanic. I thought I raised you all better than this."

I stormed off to the stage.

I heard frantic footsteps coming towards my room. I was shaken awake and met with rem and Em's sad eyes. Sebastian was behind them. "Y/n, mom's gone! We looked everywhere!" Remington tells me. We go to her room and see all her stuff gone. "Where is she?" Emerson asks. "She left" I say. "Why?" They ask. "I can't answer that. Maybe she decided to go get help and couldn't bring us with her." I answer running my fingers through my little brothers hair. "Will she come back?" Remington asks. "I don't know remmy. I guess we wait."

I stare at my shoes. I look at the busy highway remembering my past. It was the only way to get food to my brothers. Everyone thought I had anerxia. In reality I would feed them instead of feeding myself. They were more important.

"Show in five y/n" Austin tells me. I nod and get ready to play my keyboard.

After a few songs the boys stop playing I look at them weirdly. "How's it going LA!" REMINGTON screams into the microphone. The crowd cheers. "You guys obviously know who we are but you might not know who this fabulous lady is." The spotlight falls on me and Remington hoists me up. "This, everyone, is y/n, our older sister and the head on our shoulders. Believe it or not guys but we're not the most perfect family. Our parents abandoned is at young ages,but y/n didn't. She made sure we had everything we needed and helped us with anything we needed help with. We've been terrible brothers to her by not showing her how much we love her,and how much we appreciate her cause she a pretty cool chick. We love you y/n" he hugs me tight. I then feel two other bodies topple on me. We then fall to the ground. "I love you dorks" I say.

By for now my loves

palaye royale imagines book two(requests open)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang