runaway Mishka (Sebastian)

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Larisa's p.o.v
"Mishka!" I yelled as mydorable ball of fur dog ran around the park with her leash flowing behind her. I was walking her around the park checking Instagram when I felt nothing in my hand and here we are.

I chased after her,which was hard in my platform heels. After about five minutes she finally stopped running and jumped into some guys lap. He looked taken aback but not upset.

"So-sorry about he-her." I said out of breath. It's fine. She's cute. Just like her owner." I blushed a little. "Sebastian." He held his hand out. "Larisa" I said returning the gesture.

We talked for a little while before we had to part ways. He gave me his number. "Good job Mishka" i said as I pet her.

By for now my loves

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