morning run (sebastian)

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"y/n...y/n wake up!" I felt someone shaking me. I groaned and rolled over to the other side. "Five more minutes
" I said pulling the blanket over my head. "C'mon y/n. You were the one that wanted to join me on one of my runs. So here we go. He said throwing the blanket off me and carrying me to my closet.

"What time is it?" I asked as the sun wasn't even up yet. "Five thirty." Sebastian responded normally. "That's too early!" I groaned. "The more you complain the longer this run will take." He said throwing me some leggings and a sports bra. I went to go change. Dreading this decision already.

When I was done I found Sebastian in the kitchen. "Took you long enough." He said grabbing a water bottle. I just looked at him. "You ready?" He asked. "As ready as I can be." I said making myself go through the front door. Sebastian was already halfway down the street. "Curse your giraffe legs." I said under my breathe as I began trying to catch up to him.

As I was running I felt a sharp pain on my lungs. "Not now" I said to myself. Yes, I have athsma, and yes, I decided to go running. Only because it's never bad. Until now. "Se-sebastian!" I tried yelling to him since he was ahead of me. He looked behind me and saw me slowing down. He gave me a look. that's when I fell in the street and really couldn't breathe. "Y/n!" He ran over to me. "Look at me. Try to go in and out..focus on me. after a while I got my breathe back.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah. I don't know why that happened." I answered. "We did run two miles today." He said. My eyes grew wide. "C'mon, let's go home. He said holding a hand out for me to pull myself up with.

Once we got home I automatically jumped in the shower. After that I found my inhaler and put it in my top draywer of my nightstand. "Did you find it?" Sebastian poked his head into our room. "Yes." "Good. Might want to bring that when we go again in a few days. I groaned flopped on the bed. He smiled at me. "Love you" he said leaving the room. "Love you more" I responded.

By for now my loves

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