what about me? (Remington)

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It was a few weeks into a new school year. I was at breakfast sitting with my three best friends. Remington, Emerson, and Sebastian. We were joking around and being out weird crazy selves.

"So what's up with you two?" Sebastian asked referring to me and Remington. We had been "talking" throught the summer. We always hung out and low key flirted but it wasnt really anything new. We always acted that way. We were both in the same grade and we were both really close.

We both just shrugged. We haven't really thought about it. "Well you're holding hands and you have his jacket on y/n. That seems like something couple would do." Emerson said. "How would you know? You're the most single one here." His older brother said with a light chuckle.

"I'm working on that." Emerson said crossing his arms. He liked Shy. A girl in our grade who was one of my friends. I've been trying to get them together since middle school.

A little while later the doors opened to reveal an unfamiliar face. He was taller than me but not taller than rem. He had black fringe covering his eyes which appeared to be blue. His Metallica shirt went well with his black ripped jeans. A pair of Doc Martens covered his feet. They looked new.

"He looks like a walking hot topic." Sebastian said with a laugh. I lightly elbowed him in the ribs. "Be nice." I said sighing. After I said that he made eye contact with me and came over to our table.

"Excuse me but did any of you know a y/n y/l/n?" He asked looking at his hand as if he wrote my name down in order to remember it. "That would be me." I said smiling. I gestured to shake his hand which he followed. "Excuse me for coming off a but strong, but I must say you are quite beautiful." He said. I blushed and thanked him.

"We're y/n y/l/n best friends so what your dealings with her are become your dealing with us also." Remington said. He had this look of hate in his eyes. "She has been chosen to show me around the school if you're alright with that." The new kid said. "I'm not but I'll obviously get over it." Remington stood up from his seat and was pretty close to the new kid. "Rem. Sit down it's alright. I'll see you in second." I said. Rem sat down and just glared at us. "Well. Shall we begin our tour?" I asked. "We shall." He said opening the door for me.

"So tell me about yourself." I said showing him around the first part of the building. "My name is Xavier. I'm from Dallas, Texas. I'm the youngest of four. My favorite color is black obviously. What about you?" He asked.

"My names y/n. I've lived in Vegas my whole life. I'm an only child. My favorite color is (favorite color) and yeah." I said continuing the tour.

After the tour it was time for class. The principal gave Xavier the same schedule as me to make things easier which wasn't bad. Until we came to the classes I shared with Remmy.

He just for some reason didn't like Xavier. He kept glaring at him and cutting him off when he tried to talk to me.

After a few days Xavier and I grew closer. We were always hanging out and by each others side. I could tell it was bothering the guys. Especially Remington.

It was after school. I was talking to Xavier by the doors. "So what are your plans this weekend?" He asked me slinging his backpack on his shoulder. "Oh, uh, I planned on going to the guys house." I said looking over at rem. "Why do you ask?"

"My families headed to the mountains this weekend. I figured you would like to join?" He said. When I looked back to find Rem he was heading to his house. "I'm sorry but I told my friends I would be there. I'm not gonna abandon them." I said going to catch up with Rem. 

"Rem Wait!" I called out to him. He just kept walking away from me. "Rem listen to me." I called out again only to not receive an answer. "Remington Leith Kropp stop ignoring me!" I yelled.

"Why?! So you tell me you're leaving with Xavier to go to the mountains while you leave me and my brothers here waiting for you to get back? I dont think so!" "I'm not going with Xavier." I said somewhat calm. "Why not. You guys obviously have a thing going on. You leave us for him within a week of him getting here!" He yelled. "I didn't leave you guys. Everyone deserves a friend and I'm his friend. Imagine if you went to another school where you didnt know anybody." I said.

"Oh so now you're defending him?!" "Why are you getting so mad at me? I haven't done anything wrong!" "Yes you..." he ran his hands through hair. "I need a break from us. All this fighting isnt supposed to be happening." He said.

"Well then I guess I'll take Xavier up on his offer if you dont want to see me." I said kinda feeling hurt by his words. "Thsts not what I meant." He said. His voice getting louder again. "That's what it sounded like you meant!" "Go! Just...go. enjoy the weekend with your little boyfriend." He walked off towards his house. I just stood there. I grabbed my phone and dialed Xavier's number. I guess I'm going to the mountains for winter break.

Rems p.o.v
I walked off after mine and y/n's little disagreement. I was so angry at her. Leaving us for some guy she just met three weeks ago. I know she likes him and he likes her. She wanted to be with him so be it. I'm not the one throwing away sixteen years worth of friendship for someone I just met three weeks ago.

By the time I made it to the house everyone was home. "Where have you been?" My mom asked me. "I was talking to y/n." I said. "Where is she?" She asked. "I dont know and I dont care." I slammed my door. I was mad but I didnt have a reason to be. She was in the wrong. Not me.

It's been a few days since I last saw y/n. She keeps trying to text and call me but I'm not having any part of it. "Rem?" Sebastian came into my room. "What do you want." I asked. "You haven't talked to y/n. Since the last day before break. What's up with you two?" He asked sitting next to me. "She went to the mountains with Xavier." I said.

"What? Why would you let her do that?!" "She wanted to spend her break with him instead of us so I let her. Ever since he's been here he's tried taking her away from us. He got his wish." I said. "Did she leave us, or did she leave you." He asked crossing his arms.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "You've had a crush on her since middle school. You did everything in your power to get her to hand out with us everyday after school. It's your junior year and you finally almost got to call her your girlfriend. But you had to scare her off to the point where she went with someone else. How dumb does that make you look?" "Alright I get it! Its my fault okay! I got too possessive too quick okay I'm sorry. I was just trying to protect what was mine!" "That's the thing rem. She wasnt yours to protect."

I sighed and sat on my bed. Seb paces the room. A few seconds later the doorbell rang. We both looked at each other oddly. "Nobody rings the doorbell." We both said at the same time. We both got up and went to go check. We opened the door and there stood y/n.

"You're back early." I said. Sebastian hit me in the back of the head. "Ow." Y/n just smiled. "What he meant to say was welcome back. We missed you." He said. "I missed you guys too." She said hugging both of us. Her hugging me a little longer. "Remember when you told me xavier was bad news?" She asked me. "Yeah. Why?" She looked down ashamed. "He tried to get me to steal one of the snow mobiles. I said no and he asked me why. I told him I was better than that. One thing lead to another and we started fighting about you and..."

She pulled back her hair. Her cheek was bruised and her eye was black. I suddenly filled with rage. "He'll pay for this." I said trying to go to the front door. "No Remmy no! Its okay. I'm okay." She said trying to hold me back. "No it's not okay. He hurt you!" "I'm fine rem." I nodded and hugged her. "I missed you. I'm sorry about that fight. I never meant to make you upset with me." I said holding her close to me.

"If you dont mind me asking. Why did you guys start arguing about me?" I asked. She blushed a little. "He asked me out. I said no because I loked somebody else. He asked if it was you and I didnt answer. Thsts where my wounds came from." She said. "Was it me?" I asked. "Maybe." She said blushing again.

I had an idea. It was dumb but it was an idea. I kneeled down and took her hand. "Y/n. I promise you i will never hurt you. If i do you can hurt me back. But i will never do that because i love you. I've loved you since middle school. I told you I'd always be by your side. I plan to keep that promise. So y/n y/l/n will you be my girlfriend?" I said. "I would love too Remmy."

Bye for now my loves

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