adoption pt.2

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I woke up the next morning still on my clothes from yesterday. Was I that tired. The last thing I remember was Sebastian pushing Remington in the pool which lead to an all out slash war.

I went to the kitchen to find Sebastian and Larisa sitting at the island. Both on their phones eating breakfast. I prepared myself some toast with Nutella. I sat down and they stared at me. "What?" I asked thinking I did something. "Nothing,I just didn't know we lived with a mini Remington." Sebastian joked. I laughed at his remark. "Well I better get going. Today's gonna be a busy day at the salon." Larisa said grabbing her bag. "Bye guys" she said leaving.

I finished my breakfast and washed my hands. "So what's on the agenda today?" I asked him. He shrugged. "We were supposed to film a music video today,but it was cancelled due to emerson getting sick." He said. I nodded.

"Anything you were wanting to do today?" He asked me. I shrugged. Living in the adoption center meant I didn't really go out much. Micheal and I would just stay in our room all day hanging out. I missed him.

"How about we go out and get you some things. Clothes,shoes,other things you need." He said. "Oh, we don't have to do that it's fine." I tried getting out of the situation. I always felt bad when people got me stuff. "Of course I do y/n. Your my daughter and as your father I don't mind splurging on you." As to not argued I agreed.

We went to Hot Topic, American Eagle, Rue 21, Journey's and several other stores. My arms were littered in bags. I wasn't all that comfortable with it, but wasn't complaining. Especially since I haven't updated my wardrobe in three years.

"Larisa has an opening if you want to mess with your hair." He said starting the car. I nodded as my hair needed some serious work. It was black,down to my waist,and bland. I wanted a change, I just didn't know what I wanted.

We walked in and I was blown away. The salon was beautifully modern with a second floor with a balcony. Everyone was busy working on people's hair. "Hi Seb,who's this pretty girl?" The receptionist asked. She looked to be in her 20's. "Hey Mia, this is y/n. We adopted her yesterday." He said. She greeted me and told us Larisa was upstairs. We nodded and headed that way.

"Hey guys!" She greeted cheerfully. She kissed him and hugged him. They were so cute. "So who am I seeing today?" She asked. "That would be me." I said sitting in the chair. "Ooh, fun. What were we thinking?" She asked messing with my hair. "I really don't know. What do you think?" I asked her. "Well your hairs really thick and wavy which is gorgeous. I think we cut it,lighten it,and throw some color in it." She said. That sounded expensive,but I nodded at her idea.

After a couple hours it was finally done. It was more brown now that had an ombre and fell just under my shoulders. It looked great. "I love it!" I cheered looking at my new hair. "I'm glad!" Larisa said she would take care of it and off we went.

We came back home and put all my stuff away. The more I put away the more terrible I felt. I know he wanted to do this for me,but I just felt like a burden taking their money. My door was already closed as I felt the tears come on. I sat on my bed sobbing for who knows how long.

I didn't hear either of them come in until I felt arms wrap around me. "Honey,what's wrong?" They asked me. "I'm sorry. It's just I'm not used to all this attention and affection and being cared for and bought things. I appreciate it. I just feel bad. I feel like I'm robbing you guys of your money. I also just feel like a burden." I said letting it all out.

"Oh, y/n. That's not the case at all. Your not robbing us of our money. We did this for you so you could feel comfortable and be somewhat at home. Like you had parents that cared. We love you so much already. Like you've always been with us. You are not a burden. Trust us. We love you." Sebastian said. Larisa had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said. "You have nothing to be sorry about. You're still warming up to us and being adopted in general. You were there for so long it feels weird being out doesn't it?" She asked. I nodded. She understood. "Tell you what. Let's get some dinner and we'll watch some movies and just have a family night. How's that sound?" I nodded. "It honestly sounds great." I said. We went to the kitchen and prepared what we were gonna have.

We made pasta which eventually turned into us throwing flower St each other with Mishka barking snd also getting covered in it. We watched some Tim Burton movies. I was out like a light. 

Sorry this sucks. I really tried

By for now my loves

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