don't go (remington)

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"hey remmy!" I exclaimed when I saw him enter the classroom. He ignored me.again. he's been acting like this since lunch. It was now 7th period. One of the only classes I have with him.

Remington's been distant lately. Ever since Feburary. It was now almost April. For almost two months we've barely talked and he's been ignoring my existence. Thats a great way to treat your girlfriend.

I kept trying to talk to him and get his attention but he won't pay attention to me. Yet he'll pay attention and talk to amanda, and Ana, And Stephanie, and a bunch of other girls he know I don't like. But what really bothered me was how close him and Monica had gotten.

Constantly talking to each other, messing around with each other, they were acting like rem and I used to when we first started dating. It hurt honestly.

I went home and text Remington.

Y:what did I do?
R: what do you mean?
Y:well you were fine during the morning cause you were talking to me then but then after you just ignored my existence
R: I'm sorry love I didn't mean to. I was just really quiet today
Y:okay I guess
*Read one minute ago*

I wanted to scream at him and ask him if he was being quiet why was he talking to all those girls and Monica? I guess I'm just being jealous and it's nothing. Right?

The next day was better I guess. He talked to me more in all of our classes but Monica was also in those classes. He then started talking to him. UGH!!!

It was a casual night at home. I was watching Netflix when my friend Haily text me.

H: I have to tell you something but you can't repeat it and you can't get mad at it.
H: well a little before Valentine's day Rem was confused about the two of you and Monica said "why don't you just break up" and I just stared at her.

I wanted to throw my phone against the wall but it was almost 300 dollars so I think not. I just crumbled into my bed and cried. "Fucking snake best friend" I cried out. My mom came into the room.

"What's wrong (nickname)?" I told her what was going on and showed her the messages. She looked at me in pity. "I'm sorry honey" she said rubbing my back. "I don't want to lose him mom!" I cried out. "I know honey, things will get better maybe, and if they don't than there's plenty of other fish in the sea." "But I don't want another fish but him" "I understand y/n believe it or not I went through the same thing you're going through. I met a boy on high school and I would be with him forever. Then we broke up and I was devastated. I cried and cried until my eyes ran out of tears. I was hurt so bad. Then your father came around and he changed me for the better. We got together and that's how you and your brother came along." She said. "Things will get better sweety" she then left. I returned back to the land of sadness.

The next day the track team had a meet and Remington,of course, was on the track team. Usually he stops by so I can say goodbye. He didn't this time.

I went to my locker to get my stuff 6th period (they left in fifth) and a note fell out. When I read I burst out in tears. 

These past couple months have not been the best for us. I've noticed I've been distant. I apologize. But at the same time I just can't find the spark we had. It's like it died out. I know you don't feel the same and I know you don't want to let me go so I'll do it.
Y/n I will always love you with all my heart,but the time has come for is to end our suffering relationship.

I sat at my locker and cried for I don't know how long. I noticed tear stains on the note that weren't mine. If he wanted it to end why was he crying.

I took the note, shoved it onto my pocket, took off the necklace and ring  he gave me, and dropped them in his locker. "See ya vampire"

By for now my loved

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