finding you pt.5

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As we got closer to the hospital the more nervous I got. I really hope he's okay. I would hate to see him hurt.

"Y/n are you okay? Your shaking." Emerson. Asked me. He was in the back with me. Dad was in front and Sebastain was driving. "Y-Yeah. Just scared for Justin" I said. "Who is he?" Sebastian asked. "He's my cousin. He's basically my brother." I answer. They nod. "How much older is he?" Dad asked. "Ten years." The rest of the ride is silent.

As we pull into the the parking lot I grow more nervous. We park and I'm out of there like a rocket. I run as fast as my legs will carry me. The guys finally catch up with me. I go to the front desk. "How can i help you?" The lady asked. " looking for a Justin (last name) I say in more of a question like matter."relation?" "I'm his cousin" She types at her computer. "Room 208. Next floor three doors down to the left. I'll let the docters know. She says. I thank her and we go up.

We get to his room. Mom outside of it. I run to her. She sees me and engulfs me in a hug. She tells me its gonna be alright and looks up. She sees Dad. "Long time no see Remington" "likewise Abby. (Idk) we go into the room. There lays Justin awake. Covered in scratches thank goodness. "What's up kiddo?" He at me. "Not much cuzzo" he looks at dad and em and Seb. "Who are they?" "Justin. This is my dad Remington and uncles Emerson and Sebastain" I point to each one of them. I know he wants to say something by the way his jaws clenched.

I looked up to see dad and mom gone. Huh.

(Rems p.o.v)
I saw Abby leave the room. She looked upset so I followed. She looked back and leaned against a wall. I stood next to her. "I'm sorry this happened Abby" I say. "It's not your fault. Its not anyone's. These things just happen" she said. Her green eyes shining in the light.

"This probably isn't the best time but you look great" she smiled. "Still a flirt huh,Mr.Leith." a short laugh came from her. "I guess so." I smiled. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for y/n. I was selfish and didn't think about the two of you at the time. Now I see her almost all grown up and... I'm mad at myself. I didn't get to see her first steps,I didn't get to take her to her first day of school. I missed everything" I said tearing up

"Rem. Don't blame yourself. Neither of us were ready to take on such a responsibility. You're seeing her right now aren't You? She loves you more than anything. She texts me every night saying how much fun she's having with you guys on tour. Heck,her first word was dada. I'm not kidding" I smiled. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. She saw a picture of us and pointed to it and said dada."

We went back into the hospital room and saw y/n and Justin playing some card game. Sebastain was on the phone and Emerson was staring off into space.

(Your p.o.v)
After a few hours in the hospital we decided to get back on the road. The doctors told us Justin had to stay one more day. Mom would take him home after that. When we were heading back I saw dad glance at Mom. "What?" He asked. "You still love her don't you?" "I...uh...yeah...yeah I do" I smiled. "Okay" when we got back into the bus I pulled out my sketchbook.

I didn't notice Emerson was behind me."those are amazing" I jumped. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you. Those are great drawings by the way. Who's that? He pointed to the one i just finished. "It's Mom. I'm giving it to her on mother's day. I'm making one for dad. He's harder to draw." I said. "Yeah. He has very distinct features." "You bet I do!" He yelled from the back. I smiled.

I worked on it for a little bit then went to bed. We should be in Dallas by the morning.

By for now my loves

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