rainy weather (Remington)

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A collab I'm doing with lavenderPalayeRoyale she wrote a chapter in her book with the same prompt. Make sure to check it out if you haven't already.

Rems p.o.v

I look out the window to see cloudy skies and tiny puddles of rain on the window. Rain. I've always hated rain. It never brought anything good. Just mud, puddles, and coldness.

I collapsed on my couch and texted my best friend y/n. We've been friends forever and I think I like her. I don't know. The more I'm around her the more I notice my heart beating faster and she makes me smile without even trying and she's just so great. My brothers constantly tease me about it.

R: some weather huh?
Y: I know! Isn't it great!

I always forget she loves this weather. She's always been the one to dance in the rain and splash in the puddles and act like a five year old whenever it rains.

R: I guess. You know I'm not one for this weather.
Y: i know. I'll never understand that.
R: I'm guessing our plans aren't cancelled?
Y: of course not! The rain just makes it better!
R: I'll see you in ten

I smiled at her messages and turned my phone off. I grabbed my boots, a hoodie, and an umbrella knowing y/n wouldn't bring one. I locked the house up and went to pick her up.

When I got to her door it was pouring, and there she was splashing around in the puddles. I shook my head and smiled. "You're gonna get sick!" I yelled at her playfully. She saw me and ran to the car. "You know I've never gotten sick yet." She said. "Key word yet." I added in. She playfully shoved me and off we went.

"Where too my rain dancer?" I asked. She blushed a little which was cute. "The mall. I need to get some clothes and some new books" I nodded.once we arrived the rain had lightened up a little. I saw y/n frown a little. "Is my rain dancer upset it's not pouring cats and dogs?" She smiled. "Yes actually." I sighed and we went inside. Her going one way and me going another.

After a little shopping and eating we decided to go back to my place. We brought our stuff inside and before I could even turn around there she was outside. Spinning in circles. Literally getting caught in the rain. I went out after her, but had to stop to his look at her.

Her hair was soaked and stuck to her face. Her clothes we sopping, yet she still managed to look happy and beautiful. She kept twirling and smiling. Letting the rain bring our her childish side. Her happy side. I didn't notice I was staring until she was right in front of me.

"Is something wrong, remmy?" She asked. "No! No I was just... Well... I umm...." I was beyond embarrassed. I couldn't even form words. "Well spit it out. I'm all ears." She said smiling at me. Well, if words couldn't say it maybe this would. I leaned in and kissed her. She didn't respond for a minute but when she did it was perfect. We pulled apart smiling at each other. "This is kinda cliche isn't it?" I asked. "Don't ruin thr moment." She said moving the wet hair out of my face.

I'm a little rusty guys. Bear with me please.

By for now my loves

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