let me in (Remington)

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For the past two months y/n has not been herself. She's been sad,distant, depressed. She's been hiding herself from all of us. She won't leave the house and won't leave our room unless she has to. Her eating habits have gotten worse. I try to feed her but she won't eat. Something in my baby girls head isn't right.

It's another day. Emerson,Sebastian, Daniel,shy,and Larisa are over. "Is she still in there?" Larisa asks. I nod sadly. Emerson rubs my back in empathy. "How long has this been going on?" Sebastian asks. "Since the middle of tour. I came back and she was like this. I've tried talking to her,but she won't let me in." I say. "I miss her. I miss the old her." I say with tears brimming my eyes.

I see Emerson walk towards our room. He knocks on the door. He talks for a few minutes. A loud band comes from the other side of the room. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she yells. I can hear the sadness. He comes back and sits down. "Maybe you should try and talk to her in a different way." Shy says. I look at her weirdly. "Make her feel like she's not alone in this world. Make her feel like you understand what she's going through." They leave and I go to our room.

I slide down the door. "I know you're awake in there. I know you're leaned against the door as well. I'm gonna be honest when I say I don't know what your going through. I don't know what's it's like to be in your state of mind. I don't know what came into your brain and made you be this way. I miss you. A lot. The guys miss you. The girls miss you. I know you're struggling and I know you don't want anyone to see you like this. I know you don't want people around you,but I want to be around you babygirl. I miss you so goddamn much. I miss the fun we used to have. I miss going on tour with you and watching you smile. I think that's what I miss most. Your adorable smile that lights up a whole room. Baby,please let me in. I promise to help you. I promise to be there for you."

Tears escape my eyes. It's silent for a few minutes until I feel the door open. I look up and see my princess. Her hair cutely all over the place,her eyes filled with sadness,wrapped in one of my shirts. She collapses onto me. She sobs into my shirt. "It's okay,baby. It's okay." I say softly as a run my fingers through her hair. "I don't know what wrong with me." She sobs out. "It's okay. Look at me." I lift her chin up. "I will be here for you to help you win this fight. It's not gonna be easy. But we're gonna make it. Because we're stronger than the voices in your head telling you you're not " i pull her closer to me. "Everything will be okay."

By for now my loves

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