something different (Remington)

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It was a cold, rainy day in Vegas. I sat in the classroom trying to pick up on the gibberish my teacher was talking about. I wasn't the best with math. I was terrible at it actually.

"Class, for our final grade of the semester we will be getting into partners to work on a project. a poster showing how much you've learned so far. I've paired you all up. All the groups are on the board." We all got up and went to the whiteboard to see who we got. My name was next to one I didn't recognize.

Remington Kropp

I had heard about him. He was commonly referred to as the loner,the rebel, and several other titles. He wasn't much liked as he never hung around other people other than his brother Emerson who was a freshman. I looked around for this Remington character. As I noticed everyone already had their partners i noticed a lone figure still at his desk. That must be him.

I walked over to him. He didn't seem to notice. I sat down in the rest next to him. He looked over at me and had a cold look. He didn't seem friendly and didn't seem to want to make conversation. "I'm y/n, but you probably knew that." I wasn't the most social person myself. "I've seen you in here and learned your name and learned your one of the smartest ones. So this should be easy for me." He said.

"Why's that?" I asked. "You do all the work and I get the grade." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. I was used to getting treated like this. No one wanted to be my friend for just knowing me. They wanted to be my friend for my smarts.

The bell rang and he gave me a piece of paper. "Call me for the project. Just don't call past sunset." He said coldly. "Why not?" I was curious as to why. "Just don't okay!" He spat at me. I nodded and went to my next class.

After the day ended I found myself walking to my house. As I walked I noticed someone ahead of me. He looked like Remington but I want sure. He didn't seem to have his brother with him. I knowhis brother from some classes. Sometimes they mix Juniors and freshman up in classes. I'm not sure why.

As I continued my journey I noticed the person in front of my dart into the woods at what seemed to be superhuman speed. I shrugged it off and finally reached home.

I saw that my mom had left for another business trip. I sighed and made a snack and went to my room. After a few movies I noticed it was already six. The sun was setting and I needed to start the project. I went to call Remington,but remembered he said not to call him after sunset. I shrugged and dialed his number.

The phone rang for a few minutes before an agitated "what" came through the line. "Well hello to you too." I said. "What do you need y/n?!" He sounded to be in pain. Grunts and groans left his mouth but we're faint over the speaker. "Well I was hoping we could start on our project since it's due next week." I said. "You couldn't ask me earlier in the day?!" He questioned. "I got side tracked. I apologized, bit I guess right now isn't the best time." I said getting concerned about the noises behind him.

"I'll show up tomorrow." He said. The line went dead. I sighed and flopped on my bed. I fell asleep still in my clothes from this morning.

The next day at school I noticed Remington wasn't here. I sighed in frustration and began the project on my own. The class ended and I carried on about my day.

At the end of it I continued my journey home to Remington sitting on my porch. "How'd you know where I live?" I asked concerned. "I have my ways." He smirked at me. We went inside and began working on our project. We talked and I learned he's actually not as bad as everyone portrays him to be.

I noticed the sun began to set and he began getting uneasy and anxious. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I need to go. Today was fun,bit I really must be going. He dashed out the door quickly. Before he completely disappeared i swear I saw his eyes turn red. What's up with him.

Inspired by Beastly by thesonsofnight it's an Andy Biersack story that's amazing. All credit goes to them.

More parts will be posted

By for now my loved

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