best friends.better of as lovers (Emerson)

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I've spent the last 15 years being best friends with y/n. She was the nicest,sweetest,most caring person you could ever meet. For last five of those years I've spent in the friend zone. It sucks but it's good. We have no way of ruining our friendship this way

We where currently walking home from school. It was cold and windy.
Y/n didn't bring a jacket since it was supposed to be nice and sunny today. I pulled her closer to me and she blushed.

We went into her house. Her mom was making something in the kitchen. Her dad was most likely still at work."hi Emerson" she greeted me with a smile. "Hello Mrs. Y/l/n. How are you today?" I asked being polite. "I'm good, em. Thank you" I nodded. "Need any help,Mom?" Y/n asked. "Not right now,honey, thank you though. You and Emerson go up to your room." We nodded and headed up.

Y/n sat her bag on the floor and pulled out the assignments we had to work on. "I don't wanna do all this." She said collapsing on my lap. I smiled at her and pulled out my work. "I finished it during free period. Just change it up a little bit." I said handing her the papers. "OMG Emerson I love you!" She hugged me. I blushed and smiled. She only meant that in a best friends sort of way sadly.

As she worked on her work I couldn't help but feel my heart go a thousand miles an hour. She had this effect on me. She made me happy. I loved that.
I moved closer to her.

"Are you okay Emmy?" She asked looking up at me. "Yeah,I'm fine" i said. She put her pencil down. "Emerson... there's...something I need to tell you." She seemed nervous. "What is it,my love" i asked. " I um..." "Don't be afraid. Just tell me " I said. She did the unexpected. She leaned in and kissed me. I immeadity kissed her back. I pulled her closer to me. "I love you Emerson Barrett Kropp" she said playing with a strand of my hair. "Well I love you y/n Y/m/n y/l/n." I held her cheek in my my hand. She blushed and relaxed into it.

"Emerson!y/n! Dinners ready!" Her mom shouted from down the hall. I offered her a hand to help her up. She excepted and I held her hand the entire way. She was blushing. "You're so beautiful when you blush" i whispered to her. She blushed more. We sat down and her parents looked at us.

"Something you want to tell us?" Her dad said. Now I was nervous. "Well..uhh...Mom...Dad. Emerson and I are together. I know we're young but-don't worry honey. We've guessed it for years. We're fine with it and glad you're both happy." Her mom said. We both let go of a breath we've been holding. I kissed her cheek.

"So tomorrow night my boss is coming over for dinner to discuss a possible promotion and I would like all of you to be here. You as well Emerson." Her dad said. I felt kind of honored. The rest of the night was spent working on our projects. My mom came to get me. "see you tomorrow my love" I said kissing her. "Bye Emmy. I love you." "I love you more y/n."

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