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I was in my room writing. It wasn't a good story by any means. Just something I thought of. I was mainly thinking about Sebastian. I've been with him for a little less than a year. He's absolutely the sweetest human being ever. But for some reason my parents think he's the spawn of Satan.

They've never met him. They just make assumptions since he's in a band and dropped out of school. Little do they know.

I heard my dad's  voice ring from downstairs. I flopped down the stairs not wanting to know what this was about. "Yes,dad?" I asked as sweet as possible. "Why did I get a call from Sebastian asking if you were here?" ' I told him to call my phone' I thought to myself. "He's helping me with my homework for algebra" I smiled. My dad just looked at me.

"I don't want him anywhere near you or this house." He said. "But dad!" I exclaimed. "No buts. He's not good for you. He's nothing but a punk." "You've never met him!" I yelled. "Watch your tone young lady!" He grabbed my arm twisting it." "Dad let me go that hurts!" "You deserve pain for what you're doing!" "I'm not even doing anything!" He apparently didn't like that answer.

He slapped me. It hurt so much it made a print. I ran to my room and threw some of my stuff in my bag. I jumped out of my window and rushed to Sebastian's.

I knocked on the door. Emerson opened it. "Hey y/n wha-SEBASTIAN, Y/NS HERE AND SHES HURT!" He screamed up the stairs. Em sat me on the couch and not five seconds later Sebastian came down in pajama bottoms and a normal shirt on for once. "Your dad?" He questioned. I simply nodded. He thanked Emerson and brought me to his room. "I'm sorry y/n" he apologized running his fingers through my hair. "There was nothing you could have done sebby" I said. "I know but you got hurt and I feel bad for it" "it's okay" he kissed my head. "Get some sleep you have school tomorrow" I groaned. "Don't worry. Afterwards we can go on a date" "where?" "It's a surprise, dear" I yawned. "Night sebby" I said. "Good night my love"

By for now my loves

palaye royale imagines book two(requests open)Where stories live. Discover now