adoption (Sebastian)

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"Number seventy seven is now in the books." I say flopping down on my bed." I've been here at the adoption center since I was five. Something happened to my parents that I can't remember. I don't have any aunt's or uncles and my grandparents passed away before I was born. I'm fourteen now and getting rejected at every interview.

"Don't feel so bad. You'll nail the next one. I know." My roommate Micheal tells me. He's been here for awhile. Before I got here. He's my polar opposite but is my best friend. Odd huh.

"I doubt it Mike. The more I have them more I get used to being rejected." I shrug my shoulders. "C'mon y/n,don't say that." He sits by me. "It's true Micheal. I'm not like the other girls here. I don't like pink,and rainbows,and bows,and dresses! I like black,band shirts,bands,and converse! No one wants some depressed, girl." I start feeling tears prick my eyes as Micheal pulls me into chest. "It's okay y/n. One day you'll be out of here living your best life with people that truly care about you." I go to my bed and fall asleep.

I wake up to Micheal talking to Rose. She's the owner of the adoption center. She's a sweet lady in her 40's.    I get up and they look at me. "Good morning y/n. We have a couple wanting to meet you." Rose tells me. I sigh and roll my eyes. "I'll be back" I tell Mike.

I head down the stairs to the interview room. I stop at the door and grab the handle. "Please let this be the one." I whisper to myself. I let out a deep breathe and open the door. I walk in and mentally scream and fangirl. Right there sitting at the table are Sebastain Danzig and his fiance Larisa love! I've loved Palaye Royale forever and I love Larisa's work. They look at me and smile.

I shyly return the gesture and sit in front of them. "Hi! I'm Sebastian and this is my fiance Larisa. She works at her own salon and I'm in a band called Palaye Royale,but I bet you already knew that.' He says pointing to my shirt." I blush in embarrassment. "Oh,yeah. I really love your band. You're also very talented Larisa." I tell them. They thank me and I sit down. "So tell us about yourself." He says. "I'm,well, my name's y/n. I'm fourteen. I like bands such as black veil brides, pierce the veil, motionless in white, Palaye Royale, and many others. I be been here since I was five. I don't know what happened to my parents,and yeah. I'm really not that interesting." I say. They ask me a few more questions and they leave the room.

I sit there. Anxiety rushing through my veins. I pick at the skin on my fingers and lips. A bad habit I've always had. I hear the door open and see Rose. "Number seventy eight?" I say glumly. "Actually, you can pack your things. You're being adopted!"she tells me. I look at her astonished. Is this what happiness feels like?

I go up to my room. For once crying happy tears. Micheal waits for me at the door. "Number seventy eight in the books?" He asks. "No actually. I'm being adopted!" I said. "That's great! I told you it would happen!" He picks me up in a hug. That's when I realize I'll be leaving him. Making my face fall. "Hey, it'll be alright. You have a family now. We can still talk." He holds up his phone. I smile at him. "I'll miss you like." I say. "I'll miss you y/n/n. I pack my things and go down.

I get down there and see them waiting. "Sorry,i was saying goodbye to my friend" i say. "It's fine. We understand." We go to their car and I'm amazed. It's really nice. "Pretty isn't it?" Larisa asks me. I nod in agreement. Sebastian's on the phone with someone.

We arrive at a mansion like house. "Welcome home y/n." They say. We walk in and it's very big and expensive looking. Black furniture with white carpets in the living room. A huge flat screen addresses the wall with several pictures. The kitchen is big and spacious with several cabinets,an island,and bar. The gin and other drinks sit on the other side of the kitchen.

A small bark comes from down the hall. "Mishka?" I ask. Knowing of their little fur child. "Yeah,that's her." Larisa says. She goes to get her while Seb shows me my room. Two of the walls are black while the other two are white. Black sheets and a comforter lays on my bed with several extra pillows. A vanity is on one side of my room while a small flat screen is in front of my bed. My closet sits empty. Awaiting my clothes to fill it up. A dresser stands by my bed.

"I hope you like it." Sebastian says. "I love it" i say hugging him. He gladly accepts. "Thank you. For everything." I say talking about him adopting me and also saving my life. "Of course. You deserve a happy life and a family. Welcome to the kropp clan y/n."

I few minutes later I hear the front door open. "Where's the kid at!" I hear Remingtons excited voice yell. A faint laugh follows. I step out of my room to meet the other thirds of Palaye and my new uncles. "Ahh! You're so cute!" He says quickly pulling me into a hug. "Hi Remington!" I say releasing from the hug. "Hi y/n. You're gonna love it here with us." I look over to see Emerson just standing there smiling. "Hi emerson." I greet him. "Hello flower." He hugs me. Already giving me a nick name. "Monica,shy,and Danny should be here any minute now." Sebastian says.

We go to the patio/pool area. Fairy lights hang from the trees and cast off the look of fireflies. The boys are in the pool while I sit poolside with Larisa and the girls. "So how old are you y/n?" Monica asks. "Fourteen. My birthdays in November." I say. I don't really like talking about my birthday. I never really got to celebrate the correct way. It was just me and Micheal in our room eating a cake that Rose would make me. I tear up remembering him. "What's wrong?" Shy asks. "Oh,sorry. Just thinking about my best friend at the adoption center. His name's Micheal. He was the only who understand me up there,ya know?" They nod knowing what I meant. "Well you're gonna love it here. Tour is tiring when we get to go,but you quickly get used to it." Larisa says. I smile and look at the guys having fun. I truly feel at home. I know I belong here.

Part two? I know this part sucks.

Bye for now my loves

palaye royale imagines book two(requests open)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora