creature (Remington)

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The creature stares out into the dark abyss of a place he calls home. His red eyes gleam like Ruby's in the starlit sky. Passerbys wander among the the streets among the bustling city. Although he's miles away he can sense and smell them, for he has not feasted in days. He's grown weak, but his hunger for the irony red liquid has only grown stronger.
Just as he prepares to attack his eyes land on a different target. A young and lively target. Her blood smells sharper, sweeter. A kind of scent he hasn't come across in years. This excited him. He was more than excited about his next meal. Within a blink of an eye the creature grows smaller and sprouts wings. He dives towards the unaware damsel. He then turns towards trees nearby. If he wants this to be a surprise attack he has to hide for now.

After a while the creature shows himself. The soon to be drained sees him, but she doesn't seem scared. She appears to be intrigued. This confuses him. Usually people scream and run towards the other direction. This meal however, comes closer. She introduces herself. He eyes her oddly. She smiles a sweet grin. The astonished blood sucker reciprocates the greeting. They talk a while and begin to learn more about each other. He forgets why he even planned on draining her dry. Something about this mortal fasinates him. Was it possibly the fact that she looked so much like his last mate? He didn't like to bring her up. That was hundreds of years ago. He hasn't searched for another mate since, but something about her made him want to ask her to be his. Even though she was mortal and they had only met thirty minutes ago.

Unfortunately, the damsels communication device began giving off an ear piercing shriek. He coward back from the sound. She looked at him oddly and excused herself. She distanced herself by a few feet. The immortal was never known to be nosy, but the way she moved and the glanced she gave made him feel uneasy about the situation and the other person on the line.

She came back a while later and kindly excused herself. Saying she needed to get home. He offered to walk her back,but she kindly declined. She said goodbye to the creature and hugged him. He wasn't quite sure how to respond to this. He hadn't been shown affection in more than a century.

He watched her walk back into the dark abyss. He hoped to see his mortal again soon. For once he had felt a feeling he hadn't felt in years. He wanted to be with her again. He wanted nothing more than to make sure she was okay and safe. He then knew the feeling he had received. He was terrified of this feeling. He had found his new mate.

By for now my loves 

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