studying (Emerson)

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I clicked my pen furiously as my leg bounced up and down rapidly. My hair was all over the place and my glasses kept sliding down my face. As you can tell,I'm studying for finals. This was a really important test to me. If I passed I got to go to college and pursue my career as (whatever you want to be) bit of I failed than that wouldn't happen.

As I was flipping through my textbooks I heard a knock on my window. I ignored it and continued working. It went on for a few more minutes until I got a text.

Emmy🖤♥️ please let me in. It's quite cold out tonight.

I shot up from my chair went to open my window. Emerson climbed inside and pulled me into a hug. "Why are you here?" I asked trying to not be rude. "Well sebastain is in New York with Larisa and Remingtons asleep and mom's out of town so I thought I'd come see my favorite girl" he kissed my forehead. He looked at me and noticed I was still wearing my clothes from school.

"Y/n,it's two in the morning. Why are you still in your clothes from school?" I kinda didn't want to answer. He doesn't like it when I stress my self out from studying since I do it quite often and it leads to me only getting two hours of sleep. "Well...I...uhh..." I played with my hair. "You've been studying havent you?" He asked. "Yes" i looked down. "Y/n i understand you want to go to college but it's not worth slaving over a textbook for. You need rest." He said.

I shook my head. "I can't rest when I have only this weekend to study and prepare. All my finals are coming up and I have gymnastics this Tuesday,and my cousins birthday is next week,and." He shut me up with a kiss. I was surprised bit simply kissed back. "Now. I want you to go take a nice, long,hot shower to calm your nerves and body,then come back." I nodded and grabbed some gym shorts and one of ems shirts. Off to the shower I went.

Em's p.o.v
I felt terrible for her. She's been stressing herself out way too much. I get that these finals are important to her,but they're not that important. I closed her books and put them in her bag. I turned off the lights and turned on her fairy lights. Casting a warm glow across the room. I fixed her pillows how she liked and turned on her favorite movie. She came in and looked adorable in my shirt. As it was a dress on her.

Your p.o.v
I came back into my room and saw my fairy lights on,bed made up,and my books gone. "Where are my books?" I asked. "In your bag in your closet" Emerson said. "Em I need to finish studying!" I exclaimed. He came over and picked me up. Placing me on my bed. "What you need to do is relax and take some time to yourself. Like right now we're going to watch your favorite movie, cuddle,and sleep."

I nodded in agreement. "Fine" I said. He pulled me closer to him as we watched the movie. "I love you my princess." He kissed my nose. "I love you too my pirate"

Sleeping with sirens new song freaking slaps! It's amazing!

By for now my loves

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