February 14th (sebastain)

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I stayed in my blanket cocoon most of the day. This day brings back to many memories and too much pain.

This day is meant for love. Not sadness and loneliness. It was one Valentine's day i wouldnt enjoy.

I woke up to the smell of something delicious. I passed my way downstairs to see Sebastain making pancakes. "Mmm my favorite." I said. "I know. Thats why i made them." He kissed my nose. "Happy Valentine's day sebby" I said. "Happy Valentine's day y/n"

I've never been able to eat pancakes again. Something that was once delicious now tastes wretched.

I looked at the time. It was a little past one. The day has defitinly drug on. I checked Instagram to see what was happening in the world.

The boys were on tour,shy was modeling,Monica was being herself. And my sister was busy running her salon. I wish I never introduced them.

"And this is my sister Larisa" I introduced Sebastain to Larisa. They smiled and shook hands. I saw something in both of their eyes that I didn't like.

She messaged me. Sent me happy Valentine's day. I left her on read. I'm still mad at her. She took my future away from me.

"Would you ever consider marrying me?" Sebastain asked out of nowhere. "Of course! I would love to marry you" we discussed where the wedding would be. If we would ever have kids.

Now I replay the memories in my head. He's probably asked her the same things.

My phone dings with a notification. I open and see my sister's hand adorned by a rock on her finger. I throw my phone across the room and cry. "Why couldnt it have been us!" I scream into open air

Sorry these have been so short.

Book recommendation of the chapter: jinxxs daughter by ewolf626 it's a really good story with a cute romance tied in

By for now my loves

palaye royale imagines book two(requests open)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz