overprotective brother (Sebastian)

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"seb I'm going to Bella's" I said going down the staircase. Once I got down there I saw Sebastian with his his on the door knob. It was also locked. "For how long?" I groaned. "Till ten" I answered crossing my arms. He look at the time. It was only six on the evening. "Nine" he said. "Nine-thirty" I pushed. "Fine"  I smiled and went to grab the door knob. Only to be caught by his hand.

"Are her parents there?" "Yes" "how old is she?" "15" "is there going to be a party?" "No" he unlocked the door and let go of it. I raced out of the door.

Once I got there the party was already in full swing. "Hey girl!" Bella said opening the door. "Hey"

It was well into the party and I was already pretty buzzed. I was dancing to some I didn't even like but oh well. That's when everything got cut short. Literally. I looked and saw at least six police officers and Sebastian. Shit.

After everyone was cleared out Seb dragged me to the car by my arm. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Seb that hurts!" I tried pulling my arm away put he kept his grip. Pretty sure I'll wake up with bruises.

"You lied to me!" He yelled. "No I didn't" "there you go again!" "I never liked about a thing!" "Than how come I had to come take you out of a party you knew you shouldn't have been at!" "I was invited!" "Just because you're invited to something dosent mean you go! Everyone there was older than you! You were probably the only that was still in school!" "You don't know that!"

By that time we in the living room yelling at each other. Most likely waking Remington and Emerson up."Everyone had an ID showing they were of drinking age. You young lady are only 14!" "So!"

"That's it! You are grounded until your birthday!" He exclaimed. "That's in a month!" "Exactly!" "You can't ground me anyway! You're my brother not my parent!" He took a few steps closer to me. As of three weeks ago I became your legal guardian. Go." He said sternly. "You're so unfair" I mumbled. "Want to make it two?" I slammed my door.

I hid under the covers and cried. Why did mom have to go. She was better here raising us. More like me. I just woke up three weeks ago to a note saying she wasn't coming back and that my brothers were capable enough to watch me. Sebastian is the oldest so he gets guardianship of me. If only rem was older. He's my favorite out of my brothers. Don't tell anyone.

That's when a knock came to my door. "Go away" I said. "I brought Mishka and ice cream" larisa's voice sounded from outside my door. I went to unlock it and she opened it. "Hey" she smiled at me. "Hi" I said going back to my bed. "So send told me what happened" I groaned. "I understand why you did it." "No you don't" "yes. I really do. Your mom leaving has to put some pressure on you so you went to a party to have some fun. I was like that too."

Mishka settled by my thigh as my ice cream was in my lap. "Why is he so overprotective of me Larisa?" I asked. "Because he doesn't want to see you hurt and because he's stressed from everything going on. Tour starts in a week. You have school. I have several appointments being booked. "Yet he loves you more than his own sister" I mumbled. "Don't say that" she put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes he does. He spends more time around you than any of us. He showers you with gifts and all I get is a pillow to the face every morning telling me to get up. I can't even freaking remember the last time he said 'i love you' to me. I didn't realise I was crying. She wiped the mascara off my cheeks and around my eyes. "I'll talk to him" she said. "He won't listen if it's about me. He hates me" "oh y/n" she enveloped me in a hug and I cried for who knows how long.

Sebs p.o.v
As I listened in the more I realise how much of a horrible brother I've been. I don't even remember the last time I told y/n that I loved her. As I was about to walk away I heard her voice again. "He won't listen if it's about me. He hates me."

Oh no. I would never hate her. I need to fix this.

By for now my loves

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