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I sighed in both annoyance and frustration. Today was the day Remington, Emerson, Sebastian and I were going on a little vacation. Originally it was supposed to be just the four of us, but plans changed to where Seb couldn't go and Em's girlfriend is now coming.

Now, I wouldn't mind it all that much if I didn't maybe kinda have a crush on Emerson. I've had a crush on him since I can remember, but I was too scared to tell him and look where that got me!

I've only met her a few times, but each time she's been so self centered and fake. She'll smile at me and then go behind my back and tell Em why she doesn't like me and how I'm a bad person.

Anyway, I was going to try and ignore her this trip and have fun with my best friends in the world, and she was not going to stop me from doing that.

I grabbed my stuff and told Rem that I was ready. Since I didn't have a car he was usually my personal Uber.

After about ten minutes he pulled up to my house. I got in and put my stuff in the floor. "Ready for three days of non-stop fun?" He asked joyful. "Yeah." I said honestly. "You hesitated. What's wrong y/n/n?" He asked pulling out of the driveway.

"You know what it's about Rem." I said looking out the window. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Please tell me you won't let her ruin the trip. Its supposed to be fun. I don't want you wallowing away because of them." He said. I nodded.

I opened the door once we got to his house. Inside was a face I've been wanting to see for days. The other I could care less about. "Y/n!" My favorite pirate exclaimed capturing me in a bone crushing hug. I smiled and hugged back tighter. "Hi Emmy" I said just as excited. When I looked up I saw her eyes sending daggers my way. I sent them right back. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I smirked proudly to myself.

"Is everyone ready?" Remington asked grabbing his stuff. I nodded grabbing my stuff from the floor. We made our way to the van we would be using. I called the entire back row so I could have space. Em and his girlfriend took the front row.

Its halfway through the drive now and I'm disgusted. All they've been doing is being all cute and couple-y and taking selfies and kissing non stop! I've tried music and I've tried sleep but nothing will drown them out! All I can do is wonder to myself why that can't be me. I've known him so much longer than she has. I've been there through his ups and downs. I've been to every show and VIP. I've been there to help him through all his break downs and panic attacks. She hasn't.

About thirty minutes later we made it to our destination. We had decided to all go to the beach. I normally wasn't one for the beach, but I still wanted to be with my friends.

After we unloaded all of our stuff we got our room keys and rested for a minute. The long drive was tiring honestly. I put my stuff on my bed as did rem. I was honestly exhausted and didn't want to do anything.

"Want to go to the beach? There's barely anyone there and the stars are out." I simply shook my head no and continued watching whatever random show is on. "C'mon y/n you've got to get them out of your head and have fun." He said. "Its not that simple rem." I said. "And how I it not?" He asked.

"Imagine it. You've had a crush on someone since you were thirteen. Trying your very best to impress them and make them happy and keeping that secret concealed for as long as you can. I did that and here I am with the person I love going out with someone they've barely known for two years. She's a model. She's pretty. She has a future and a career. She has the most perfect person wrapped around her finger and here I am watching from the sidelines. Wishing, just wishing that could be me,but it's never gonna happen." I didn't even realize I was crying until Remington cleared my tears away from my cheeks.

"I want him,but I can't have him." I said barely above a whisper. "Oh y/n" he said enveloping me in a hug. I cried for who knows long. I just knew I wanted to go home and hide.

Em's p.o.v
I was bored of just sitting here. I looked over to my girlfriend. She was on her phone and obviously zoned out. I decided to go to ten and y/ns room to see if they wanted to go to the beach. As I got closer to the door I heard her broken voice. Imagine it. You've had a crush on someone since you were thirteen. Trying your very best to impress them and make them happy and keeping that secret concealed for as long as you can. I did that and here I am with the person I love going out with someone they've barely known for two years. She's a model. She's pretty. She has a future and a career. She has the most perfect person wrapped around her finger and here I am watching from the sidelines. Wishing, just wishing that could be me,but it's never gonna happen."

Her sobs got louder and my heart broke me. I never would have guessed she liked me. Escpecially for that long. No wonder she never liked her. I sighed. Feeling guilty and conflicted. I hurt my best friend. I need to fix this.

By for now my loves

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