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Today was just any other normal day. It was during summer. It was the last summer of my middle School career. Next year I would be off to the confusing and frustrating world of high school. I decided to enjoy my summer as I usually did.

I went across the street to my best friends house. His name was Sebastian. I normally called him Seb or sebby. Whatever felt right. I knocked on the door and their mom let me in. She was the sweetest person ever and was basically my second mom. "Hi y/n." She said cheerfully. "Hi Stephanie." I said stepping inside. "the boys are in Seb's room." She said. I nodded and walked to their room.

When I got closer I heard Sebastian yelling. "Shut up guys! I don't like her like that!" That was odd. Surely the guys were teasing him about that one girl in our class. Everyone thought Seb and her would get together. It made me kind of upset honestly. I don't know why, but it did.

I knocked on the door just in case. "Come in!" Seb's voice sounded from inside. I walked in and made myself a spot on the floor. "Hey guys." I said. They all smiled and hugged me. When Sebastian hugged me Remington and Emerson just smirked. Their older brother sent them death glares. I just stood there confused.

After that we all decided to go to the park a few miles from here. Stephanie said it was fine, but we had to be back by dark. We took off towards the park.

On the way there rem and em were in front of us while Seb and I were behind them. I looked beside me when I felt a hand on mine. It was Sebastian's. I looked from our connected hands to his face. He had a massive grin on his face while I turned away to hide the grin and blush evident on my face. He awed and made me look at him. "Don't hide yourself. You look adorable when you blush and smile." That just made it worse.

When we got to the park rem and em took off chasing each other will we sat on the swings watching the guys run around. Our hands still interlocked. It was silent for a while until I decided to ask how the album was going. "It's getting there. It's not that good, but we'll hopefully get somewhere with it." He said. "I'll be there to support you guys every step of the way." I said barely pecking his cheek. That took a lot of courage, bit it seemed to be worth it when he started blushing.

"Y/n? Can I ask you something?" He asked me. "Of course Seb." My attention on him. "Well, there's this girl that I like. I don't know how she feels about me but I think she's so sweet and pretty and smart. I really like her but I don't know if she likes me. Got any advice?"

There's no doubt this is about (insert name) I knew he liked her. I felt upset because I liked him but didn't know what to do. I felt myself tear up a little bit quickly covered it.

"Just... Do something for her that she would like. It doesn't have to be excessive. Just do something that would make her smile and just simply ask her." I said. He nodded and just sat there. I began to push myself lightly before being picked up bridal style, being spun around and sat in Seb's lap. I squeaked in surprise a little at this. He moved my head to where he was looking at me and he kissed me.

I felt a million butterflies erupt in my stomach. I pulled back and was amazed. I couldn't believe I was the one he liked. "I love you y/n. Will you be mine?" He asked. I just nodded as I couldn't get the right to come out. He smiled and kissed me again. The moment was ruined by Remington a d Emerson clapping and cheering. I just hid my head in his chest while he wrapped an arm around me.

It was a few weeks later. We were back at the park once again. It was just Seb and I this time. We sat int the field just enjoying each other presence. I lightly rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me like he did last time. We sat there I silence until i decided to break it.

"Have you ever thought about the future?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yeah, i have actually." He said. "What's it look like?" "Well. I see me and my brothers performing for millions of people with you by my side." He said smiling at me. "What's yours look like?" He asked me. "I'm living where ive always lived. I have a decent job. I'm married and have kids. Just a perfect little family." I said. "I can make all of that happen if you let me." He said out of nowhere. I looked at him. "Do you really think we'll last that long?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean, why not. We've been best friends since we both could talk. We've been dating for almost a month now. I don't see the issue with it. Do you?" I shook my head. "I think that would be perfect."

It's a few months later. I got a call from Seb saying I needed to get to his house right away. I ran across the street and knocked furiously on the door. "Some guy in a suit answered. I looked at him. "Sebastian. Your guest is here." He said. I was soon being pulled I by Seb. "What's going on Seb?" I asked. He looked from the guy in the suit to his mom to his brothers. They all nodded as if saying to go on. He sighed and grabbed my hands.

"Y/n...Im going to be gone for a while. We got signed and are going to be tourong for the rest of the year, and I can't take you with me. We're leaving tomorrow." I looked at him in disbelief. I wanted to cry but i also wanted to strangle him. I simply ran down the hall with him chasing after me. "Y/n!" He yelled. I went into his room and collapsed onto the floor. He was by my side in a matter if seconds.

I was crying so hard i couldn't breathe. "Hey, calm down. It's alright. I'm still here. It'll be okay." He said scooping me up. "You can't leave me. You can't." I said. "I know, but this has been my dream forever." He said. "What about my dreams!? What about our promise!? Are we really just gonna betray it like that!?" He sighed and lifted my head up so I could look into his eyes.

"Listen. I promise you once I get back. I will make all your dreams come true, okay? Every last one." He said. I nodded. "Dont leave sebby" I said clinging onto him not wanting to let go. "Ill come back for you. I promise.

We stayed like that for who knows how long. I wish it was longer because within a few minutes he was taken from me and shoved into a bus heading for who knows where. His words etched into my brain.

I'll come back for you.

By for now my loves

palaye royale imagines book two(requests open)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن