Yearning Passion: Yamato Hisaki

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A/n: This takes place two years after the events of Yamato's ending. In this, Yamato is 20, and (Y/n) is 19

As the brunette sat in his private study, he gave a distressed expression, looking from one wall to the other, trying to force out the thoughts that were in his mind. He and (Y/n) had been living together for quite some time, both very deep in love with the other. They had been almost inseparable, only apart when he was meant to focus on his work. If the (h/c) haired girl would have been with him while he tried to do important work, he wouldn't have been able to get anything done.

His thoughts usually tended to drift back to his kitten, making him pout and collapse on his desk with a disheartened attitude. Other times, he would be far more determined and work his butt off to be able to see the girl as quickly as possible. This was not either of those days. No, that day he'd been unable to focus, not because he didn't want to, but simply because he couldn't. He'd been pent up, and was unable to stop his mind from taking over his focus. No work was going to get done that day, that much was certain.

He gave a small grunt as he felt his body argue against his mind about the (h/c) haired girl. Despite the loving way that he thought of her, he couldn't help but find some of her actions to be...exciting, especially when she didn't mean to appear in such a way. He'd never been one for such thoughts or actions, finding it a sign of an undisciplined mind. Yet his pure need for her made him rethink such ideals, and he let out a faint groan as he touched the physical sign of his carnal desire for her. But he couldn't stop his body from craving the girl.

. . .

(Y/n) found herself indulging in the presence of Masaru and Daisuke who tried to fight for her attention. The other dogs didn't seem all in need of her affection, not that she minded. Should all of them be swarming her with love, she would be drenched in slobber. Daisuke got most of her attention, Masaru satisfied with just resting on her lap, occasionally barking for a pat or two.

She was dressed in a simple light green yukata, perfect for the spring season, decorated with flowers and made of only the finest materials. In her hair, she wore a splendid green bow with bells, her hair put up in an immaculate hairstyle, courtesy of the loving brunette. She wore it with pride, and though she hated being away from him, she knew it was necessary to ensure peace and order within the Hisaki Conglomerate.

Imagine her surprise when the sliding door to the room opened and revealed the very person she wanted to see the most. The brunette gave a shy look, rubbing the back of his neck before looking around the room in nervousness. He then gave a small grunt that he tried to hold in, biting down on his lip as his cheeks flared red. The girl popped up in joy and rushed over to him, colliding into him with an overly affectionate embrace while she reached up to kiss his cheek.

The brunette gave a surprised gasp of joy and hugged the girl back tightly, his smile wide and loving as if he hadn't wanted anything else in the world. As he rubbed her back, silently telling her he was glad to see her, she smiled wider, giving him another kiss on the cheek. Masaru seemed glad to see his master as well, barking and wagging his tail happily. Although he became distracted by his tail and tried to chase it, the sentiment was still there.

The girl further buried herself in the older male's chest, nuzzling him affectionately, but he only sucked in his breath and let out a heavy sigh, swallowing heavily. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. The subtle way she leaned into him when he moved even partly away from her and the hopeful look in her eyes...why did it drive his mind and body mad? He wasn't able to hold it inside like he normally was, making him clutch onto her shoulders and press his lips to hers, entranced by her sweet taste.

He moaned into the kiss, feeling his desire for her only grow, sliding his hand up her yukata before his mind could fully comprehend what he was doing. The (h/c) haired girl's cheeks turned a delicate red as he began to caress her body, exploring more than he had ever done so before as he still focused on their intimate kiss. He stopped himself suddenly, and though he looked very embarrassed and slightly uncomfortable with the level of intimacy he was showing her, he did not look as though he regretted it.

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