Chapter 30: Special Attention

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(Y/n) had left Asuka to start her work for the day, researching future targets and planning out strategies to trap them. Though the orange-haired girl had cheered up significantly after the two had run around, playing childish games with the other, the younger girl couldn't help but worry for the older one's well being. The skilled mercenary wasn't made of stone, and she couldn't stop her emotions from leaking out, and the (h/c) haired girl was worried that might affect her negatively, especially if she was alone.

Nonetheless, Asuka assured the younger girl that she would be fine, and would call for her in case there was an emergency. While the (h/c) haired girl wasn't sure of the validity of that statement, she put her trust in the older female, hoping she could do her work without issue. In the meantime, (Y/n) passed her time by adventuring around the estate. She knew she was being watched, a few of her bodyguards trailing, but not bothering her.

There were a plethora of rooms that Asuka hadn't gotten to telling the girl about, making her far more curious about what lay within them. As she looked at the handle her hand was placed on, she tilted her head with the handle, pushing open the door. The room was one that appeared seemingly plain compared to the others she had seen. It was simply a small relaxing nook with a little library, bookshelves lining the walls. A small window let the tiniest bit of light through. It wasn't much, but it made the place look almost magical.

As the (h/c) haired girl ventured further into the room, she began to inspect most everything she came across. There was a small purple beanbag and different soft places to sit. Though many of them seemed small, probably intended for children, they were all incredibly comfortable. It seemed a quaint little place, making (Y/n) feel as if she was at home. It was an escape, and she planned on using it.

She sat down in the beanbag and held one of the books from the shelves in her hand. It was an old classic she had read before when she was younger, but rereading it would prove entertainment for her, something she desperately needed. Perhaps she had a television in her room now, but it wasn't anything compared to a good book or a wild adventure, and at that moment, the girl was partaking in both.

Time passed and she could faintly perceive the setting of the sun through the barely see-through curtains. Still, she remained in the room, reading the book or occasionally glancing at the other objects near her. There weren't many things that stuck out, most everything of the same childish style. Yet, from the corner of her eye, (Y/n) could see a small wooden carving placed delicately on one of the lamp desks.

However, as she inspected it further, she couldn't tell what it was. The (h/c) haired girl deemed it to be some kind of turtle or flying squirrel, but, at the same time, it seemed to be neither. It definitely lacked craftsmanship, but it somehow made the girl smile at the charm it possessed. It looked like something a child made, but it looked like it was made as a gift for a close friend. There seemed to be such a large story behind the gift that could be glanced just by looking at it. Though it was hardly a statement piece or a luxury art only few could afford, it was beautiful in its simplicity.

"Miss," one of the guards said, tapping his knuckles on the door, "Dinner is ready."

The (h/c) haired girl looked back at the guards who looked eager to eat something, making her feel guilty for staying in the same room for so long. She briskly walked out of it, meandering to the dining hall, but looking around as if she were a vagabond in an unfamiliar land. Yet as she heard the loud fights and insults in the room, she gave an understanding look of familiarity, knowing exactly where she was.

Enmei was there to greet the girl, already having his dinner and sitting at the table they usually ate, but Asuka was still nowhere to be found. As (Y/n) grabbed her dinner for herself and sat down with the boy, she was told that she would be eating in her room. The orange-haired girl had a certain dedication to her work, and it utterly fascinated the younger girl to see someone so devoted, intent on not just succeeding, but thriving as well.

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