Chapter 2: Routines

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Yamato lay awake on the bed, his eyes resting on the girl's peaceful expression and the way she breathed in and out, almost like a child. She seemed so different when she was in sleep, and he knew full well why. Going into her dreams was the only way she was able to escape him, and while he wasn't too keen on it, he could hardly keep her from sleeping. So, instead, he took the opportunity to hug the girl close to his chest, only making his heart thump quickly from her warmth.

He truly cared for her, despite his twisted way of showing it. It was confusing for him to have to control himself around something he wanted more than anything. He only desired her love for himself and to keep her safe, but she didn't seem too keen on allowing him to taste an ounce of the kind person she was. Occasionally, she would take pity on the brunette and throw him a bone, but most of the time, she rejected him, just as stubborn as he was. Still, he couldn't stop himself from loving her with all of his heart.

The boy took all of her in, from her gorgeous (h/c) colored hair to the way that she would sometimes cling onto him when having a nightmare. It was almost teasing to the male, making him smile until he questioned why she could accept him when dreaming, but never awake. Then again, he figured it wouldn't be long until she came running to him although it didn't make it any less painful. He placed a soft kiss on her neck, loving how vulnerable and exposed it was, and drifted off into sleep while keeping his protective arms around the girl.

In the morning, he woke to the loud ringing of a bell. Often it was necessary for the maids to wake him up with a bell for he would have slept in for the rest of the day. No, he was not a morning person in the slightest, but if he was able to steal a kiss from (Y/n), he'd be up instantly, his cheeks coated in slight pink and his heart skipping beats. So he rose, rubbing at his eyes and snatching the bell from the maid's hand, letting out an annoyed groan as he stretched his arms over his head.

"I'm to inform you that your mother has requested your presence for breakfast, Young Master," the maid said, unfazed by the boy's grumpy attitude, "Please bring Miss (Y/n) as well."

The brunette grunted and threw the bell back at the maid who gave kind a "thank you", bow and left, closing the sliding door behind her. The boy sighed and without hesitating, made his way to the shower. (Y/n) raised her head to watch him leave and told him to wait a moment. The boy stopped, tilting his head at her voice, but did as she said nonetheless, putting his hands on his hips as he watched her grab a towel from the cupboard.

"I'll join you," she said, motioning to the door that led to the private bath.

"N-No, that's fine," he said, his cheeks becoming noticeably red and his eyes looking away as he trembled with embarrassment, "You go first."

"Hah?" the girl said, the hint of a smirk playing on her lips, "What happened to your tough guy act? You sure are acting differently from how you used to. Is it because you don't want to seem weak in front of your guys?"

"S-Shut up and go clean yourself so I can do your hair already!" the boy blushed furiously, storming out of the room, "I'm going to the guys' bath so be ready when I get back!"

The girl let her smirk widen and gave a small "humph", knowing what the outcome would have been beforehand. The boy was too bashful for his own good, making it quite fun to pick on him for certain things, but he rarely allowed that side of himself to be shown. Often, he held a stern and disciplined expression, at least for meals in front of his men and for training. Though he was always incredibly playful with the older members who had known him since he was younger. The sight was almost enough to forget everything the brunette had done.

As the girl exited the shower from the warm atmosphere, a husky sat down on the floor, wagging her tail with excitement. Kiana was her name. She had been (Y/n)'s dog since before everything had happened and innocent blood was shed. Yet she had become very attached to Yamato and his dogs as of late and had rarely acknowledged the girl as her owner. She was still prideful and flaunted her toys to the other dogs, but as soon as they would attempt to steal it back, Masaru, Yamato's biggest dog, would step in and set them straight.

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