Chapter 32: Mochi

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Masaru didn't seem to be too comfortable on the metal instrument that was soaring in the air, occasionally trembling when it took an unexpected dip or went through a cloud. Though he tried to be a strong dog for his master and appear untouchable to the staff on the plane, he had a hard time keeping up the front. Nonetheless, as he sat in the chair next to Yusei and Yamato, he would calm down slightly, knowing, at the very least, he was with them.

Then again, when a stewardess or flight attendant would check up on their only passengers in the private jet, the german shepherd would jump up and aggressively bark at them. He was clearly not very fond of strangers, especially those that approached his master. If it were not for Yusei holding his collar, he would have launched at the unfamiliar people and tore them to shreds, especially since Yamato was sleeping.

It seemed a rare occurrence for the brunette to do so outside of his estate, especially in the view of others, but when he let his guard down, Masaru became especially protective and violent. He would not allow anyone to touch his master or come near him, suspecting everyone around him. Even Yusei was not spared by the dog's protectiveness, but Masaru usually respected the ravenette, knowing the both of them served as loyal companions to the yakuza heir, absolutely and perfectly devoted to him.

Yusei, though was slightly uncomfortable in the plane, knowing they were headed into unfamiliar territory, allowed himself a moment of relaxation. He looked over at the brunette, dozing off in the window seat, earbuds playing the only thing that would knock him out for such a nerve-wracking plane ride. It wasn't that Yamato was scared of planes, but the specific plane ride they were on and where they were headed had made him paranoid.

Thus, in the middle of the flight, to combat the brunette's restlessness, the ravenette had pulled out a trump card against the older male. A while ago, before Yamato had the girl to himself, she had been taking singing lessons, courtesy of the other males that vied for her affection. Though they were private, and only consisted of only a tutor and the (h/c) haired girl herself, Yusei was able to record a session of hers.

The quality of the recording he used was not the best, nor was the girl's singing, considering she'd only started singing, but Yamato passed out nonetheless. At first, when Yusei handed the recorder to him with some headphones, he was apprehensive, but when he hit play, his cheeks turned a greatly embarrassed shade of pink. He then promptly hid his face by turning it towards the window. Soon after, he dozed off, a loving smile on his face as he began to dream peacefully.

It seemed that though (Y/n)'s singing would have been considered average, he thought it the most beautiful thing, and it forced him into a state of vulnerability he would never show otherwise just at hearing it. At some point in the plane ride, Yamato began crying quietly in his sleep. Masaru, concerned at the noise, curled up in his master's lap and began nuzzling him. Not long after, the two of them fell into a relaxing slumber, leaving Yusei to look over what they had to do first when they landed.

The time came before the ravenette had expected. They had flown over 14 hours, and traveled over 6,000 miles to get to Vethela, and Yamato had managed to stay calm the entire time, mostly preoccupied with the recording Yusei had given to him. When the plane landed and they stepped out, Masaru seemed overjoyed to be on the ground, running around and barking with great excitement. However, he soon stopped, looking around curiously as he figured out they were no longer in the same country.

As Yusei exited the plane, he led Yamato, showing him a wide smile to ease his fears. It seemed to have a positive impact on the older male, gripping tighter onto his best friend's hand and letting himself smile gently. Though he wouldn't allow a full smile until he saw (Y/n) safe and unharmed, he left room to show Yusei his gratitude. It was shockingly effective on the ravenette, making the younger boy beam from ear to ear upon seeing the male's expression.

Macabre Moonlight (Yandere Yakuza x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin