Chapter 44: Life Is Luxurious

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There was a certain aspect about the orange-haired girl that made others see her in such an unfamiliar light. There wasn't a way that one could describe her without making her sound self-absorbed like her black-haired counterpart. Unlike Sora, Asuka was a selective person, finding a certain distaste in a large majority of people, especially those of the male quality. Then again, it was quite hard to appease her or appeal to her personality.

However, to those she disclosed her caring and elder sister-like traits to, of which there were only four, one of them six-feet under, she was an entirely different person. Despite her carefree and quite broad view on what life could offer, loving to travel, she stayed put for Sora's sake, knowing he needed the additional support. At that, one could assume she was a selfless person, but that wasn't necessarily the case.

She loved being the center of attention, constantly nagging Sora to spend time with her or pulling at Toma's ears just to see his swishing tail and hear him growl. While the ravenette didn't seem to mind, the beast was less than pleased about the girl's habits of tugging on him. He never dared to swat back at her too harshly, knowing he would be scolded by the ravenette and then promptly held in a tight lock by the orange-haired girl.

And at that moment, the same orange-haired girl was observing the same tiger, watching as he swished his tail in the tree he was scratching on. He was clearly glaring at her, wondering when she would rush at him. Though he would never admit it, she was the one he was most afraid of. It wasn't like Sora had ever yanked at his tail, and Enmei or any others in the estate were far too timid to so much approach him.

"You'd think he'd want to chase us around more," (Y/n) chuckled, watching as the tiger growled lightly.

"Nah, without Sora, he couldn't care less," the older girl frowned, crossing her arms over her chest, "I wonder how he'd react if you and Sora were kissing. you swing the other way?"

"Couldn't tell you," the (h/c) haired girl shrugged, turning back to see Enmei bringing out a bucket of feed, the beast promptly scampering over to dig in, "A girl's gotta keep her secrets, right?"

As the younger girl spoke, she gave a playful wink, intriguing Asuka greatly. Enmei lowered down to sit down, Toma gave a proud and haughty huff and dragged his dinner bowl away so the orange-haired girl couldn't harass him. He laid down to eat, beginning to scarf his food down as quickly as possible while greatly enjoying the meal he received. It seemed it was every day that the tiger was gifted with only the best meats, especially those he preferred, such as deer or elk meat.

"I'd definitely say women are better company than men," Asuka grinned, playfully throwing her arm around the younger girl, "Join me in evil, little duckling. I promise you won't regret it~."

(Y/n) gave a chuckle, making Asuka have a tint of pink over her cheeks, giving a bright smile. At the very least, she wasn't given a definite rejection of the (h/c) haired girl not being interested in other girls. Considering the girl being more occupied with females than males, the girl began to take pride. She found it quite an interesting concept, wanting to share all the things she despised about being with men.

Perhaps it wasn't just that Asuka was solely disgusted with men, shown by her discontent for Seraphina and some of the other girls in the harem. Men, in her experience and in her line of work, had disgusting and often unwelcome attitudes and habits around her. On the other side of the spectrum, the girls Asuka tended to run into could be petty and haughty. She, too, had such an attitude towards others, knowing she was not exempt from such things.

"I think we oughta pester Sora about getting that yacht party, huh?" Asuka snickered, dragging Enmei and (Y/n) along with her.

Running down the hallways, the three began to act like children, uncaring of any eyes that followed their form. In doing so, they attracted attention as they navigated the labyrinth-like estate. In doing so, they discovered a new room, finding it to be incredibly boring and unnoteworthy, at least at the surface. According to the orange-haired girl, it was actually a hotspot for younger members to get lucky with some of the girls in the rankings.

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