Chapter 72: Into The Fray

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Away from the hectic fighting of her home city, Asuka was having a blast at the five-star hotel, doing everything there was to do with (Y/n). They were given massive allowances from the two males to do whatever they wanted to during the time they were there. Though the girls usually didn't take offers like that, it wasn't like they had anything else to do, and the boys were awfully persistent.

The older female was in the process of sharing a giant ice cream sundae with the (h/c) haired girl. They had been around the shopping area of the hotel they were staying in and had exhausted themselves the entire day. Though it was rare, Asuka did get tired, and she was currently recovering her energy with an icy and sugary treat. (Y/n) seemed to enjoy it as well, kicking her legs under the table in a childish manner.

"This is the life, isn't it?" the (h/c) haired girl sighed, a wide smile on her face.

"What should we do next?" Asuka chuckled, "I'd say we should go shopping, but I wanted to take you to a historical castle! There's macha and dances, and all kinds of interesting things."

"That sounds wonderful!"

"Perfect! Then there's no time to waste!"

The orange-haired mercenary led the younger girl through the streets of the tourist oriented city, finding the action to be exhilarating. (Y/n) found the same enjoyment in the activity, trying to surpass the older girl to no avail. She had much more energy, stamina, and was more well versed in running than the younger girl. Nonetheless, there wouldn't have been anything Asuka would rather have been doing than spending quality time with the (h/c) haired girl in a new environment. If only she could travel the world with her, doing everything there was to do in different countries.

As they arrived at the stunning historical castle, they were met with splendid and well kept rooftops of a time long passed. Still, it held a magical aura, the sun just behind the tallest spire of the roof, almost making the entire area sparkle, reflecting the way Asuka felt around (Y/n). The older girl blushed and felt her hands interlocked with the (h/c) haired girl's. She didn't ever want to let go of it.

The two were dressed in traditional wear to wander about the castle and its vast lands, including the stunning bamboo groves and overlook on the ocean. It made their visit feel historical, especially when there were actors portraying things that would have happened centuries previously. There were some who portrayed servants, rushing around with buckets or towels, others representing lords and ladies.

In one particular room, the study where the lord would look over treaties and important papers, a man sat there with a stern expression and exquisite clothing. It appeared heavy, likely weighing down on him, yet the man continued to hold his head up high, his eyes narrowed and appeared filled with rage. At the sight, Asuka couldn't help but lightly elbow the younger girl, getting her attention before chuckling.

"Kinda reminds me of Sora," she snickered, earning a laugh from the younger girl, "See anyone that reminds you of me?"

"I don't think you would fit into the age-old sexism that would have been around," the (h/c) haired girl grinned, holding up a finger to her cheek as she thought, "Maybe you would have been some kind of rebel or a leader of some assassin organization?"

"Can't say you would fit the role as a helpless princess," the orange-haired girl hummed, pondering over ideas in thoughtful contemplation, "Maybe you'd be my co-leader. Yes, that's it, my co-leader! We'll thwart the evil plans of the overlords in the feudal era!"

The two girls wandered off, chuckling evilly and tenting their fingers. They wouldn't stop for anybody that walked past them, making some of the actors give concerned expressions. Nonetheless, they had their own fun, making little snickers about their expeditions they would make in their assassin organization. The current era didn't exist to them. In their minds and imaginations, they were in the feudal era, scoping out the enemy in disguise.

Macabre Moonlight (Yandere Yakuza x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ