Chapter 62: Perfect, Perfect...Perfect?

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Yamato wasn't great at dates for a number of reasons. He was inexperienced and nervous about taking (Y/n) on one, especially after she'd been in such a perilous situation for far too long. At the time, he was currently pacing back and forth outside of a room in the estate. The younger girl was inside, being fitted for a perfectly elegant yukata. While they were not traditionally elaborate, he wanted her to look stunning and feel stunning.

He wasn't particularly sure where to take her, deciding between multiple things that he believed she would like. Of course, he was far too jittery to choose one with the utter assurance it would be a lovely night. Making the date perfect was something he was aspiring to, but it took so much for him to do. He couldn't even decide on something for him to wear. All he could do is hold one up to himself and ask "what would she like?" over and over again.

"Oh, I just don't know!" the brunette howled, throwing down one of his kimonos and groaning dejectedly as he fell on the bed, placing a pillow over his head.

"Don't you think she'd like anything you'd wear?" Yusei snickered, "She's been pretty lovey dovey towards you, after all."

"I don't want to disappoint her," Yamato whined into the pillow, "I need to make this date the best or she might shun me again...I really don't want that!"

The ravenette chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully as he patted the back of the brunette's head, attempting to cheer him up. Yamato didn't seem at all moved by it, but he sat up and held the pillow in a hugging manner as if it were (Y/n). There was a lot of pressure he put on himself, especially as he feared she'd fallen for Sora. It would be devastating to him if he couldn't impress her. It wasn't like he was any good at talking someone into sex. That was Sora's territory.

"I'm not smooth at this kind of stuff," the brunette groaned again, "I'm not...I'm not sexy or cocky like he is. Think she'll still love me?"

"If you manage not to get embarrassed," Yusei teased.

"I'm doomed..."

Yamato laid back on his back and began to ramble on about everything that could go wrong on the date he wanted to take the (h/c) haired girl on. The ravenette just enjoyed the show, seeing Yamato torn up about pleasing her rather than missing her. He was just a love-sick little puppy, trying to make the girl he loved enjoy her time with him. Still, he seemed intent on making it the best date to ever exist.

"Just have fun with her," the ravenette said, finding it amusing that he was the one giving out relationship advice, "It's not about impressing her, remember?"

The brunette grumbled, hugging the pillow tighter and burying his face in it to hide his flushed cheeks. He gave a sigh and dressed himself in his finest yukata. Though he didn't prefer the feeling of a yukata, it was the season for one, the hot weather beating down on anyone under the sun's torturous rays. Besides, the younger girl was going to wear one and he wanted to match, and let everyone know she and him were together.

As he made his way to where the girl was, the door was opened and he was shown (Y/n) with a perfectly tailored yukata to suit her figure. It was pink and white with flowers embroidered around it, lively and cheerful and her hair held the same colored flowers. The younger girl was absolutely astonishing, only serving to make the brunette far more nervous than before, unable to prevent his heart from trying to jump out of his chest.

"Why must you make this so hard for me?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting, his cheeks puffing out subtly.

"Do you not like what you see?" (Y/n) asked, placing her hands on his chest as she looked up at him with a semi-flirtaciously smile.

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