Chapter 24: The Scarlet Letter

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Enmei stood awkwardly in (Y/n)'s newly gifted suite, finding the situation to be nerve-wracking to himself. The girl watched him curiously, fearing that she had offended him when he hadn't intended for any harm to come to others on his behalf. The grey-haired boy began to play with his sweater, looking to the side and rocking back and forth on his heels. He didn't seem keen on talking, but why else was he there?

The girl was sat down on her bed, looking curiously at the boy, but every time they made eye contact, he would quickly dart his vibrantly colored pupils away. A few times, it appeared that the boy worked up the nerve to speak, but he only backed out of it and gave a small mumble or whimper. He then shook his head and seemed to give himself a small encouraging speech to overcome his fears, and finally made eye contact with the girl.

"I wanted to apologize," he said determinedly, "I-I had no idea that you would react like that, and I promise I didn't mean to scare you away or anything! I really do love you! I be closer to you."

The girl could hear the guilt and desperation in the boy's voice, and though it reminded her of Yamato and the others, it wasn't the same at all. In fact, he seemed more human than they did. And as the (h/c) haired girl remembered Asuka's words that the boy tended to have a different perception of affection than he should. It seemed certainly unhealthy for him and for others that would be given that affection.

"I thought I gave you the wrong impression of me," the boy said again, putting his hand by his mouth in a nervous manner, "So can we start over or something like that? I know you don't know a lot about me, but I'd be happy to share!"

The boy became silent again, feeling awfully embarrassed for accidentally raising his voice in excitement. He then shyly peeked up to gauge the girl's reaction, only to see her giving a hesitant smile. His embarrassed grin turned into a small frown, knowing he probably wouldn't get the chance to make his case to her. It wasn't like he didn't understand her hesitance, knowing that he probably didn't see him as anything but a friend, but it still pained him.

As the (h/c) haired girl pondered his proposal, she couldn't seem to make a decision, weighing both sides. Although she trusted Asuka telling her that he was just confused and was as harmless as a fly, she didn't want to risk facing another obsessed male. But her heart still yearned for Yamato, as much as it pained her to admit it, and speaking with another male might have freed her from that affliction.

"Sure," the girl said softly, "Why don't you let me get to know you better, Enmei?"

The boy's cheeks became a light hue of pink at the gentle tone she said his name in and he fiddled nervously, a small smile on his lips. Sitting down on the bed, he began to wonder what to tell the girl, trying to decide between what to tell her first. There was a certain excited air around the boy, making him appear to be genuinely happy about her willingness to talk with him. He then turned to the girl, positioning his legs in a rather child-like manner. "Criss-cross applesauce," (Y/n) thought, giggling slightly.

"To start with, I think what I like the most is working," Enmei smiled, "I like to be of use to other people, so when I help out Sora or Asuka or anybody else by working, it makes me feel all warm inside. But that's kinda boring, huh? I don't know about what to say, really."

"How about you tell me about your favorite food?" the girl suggested.

"That's a bit tamer than I would have expected," the grey-haired boy smiled brightly, "I don't often eat a lot of different food. I usually just have whatever is served in the dining hall. But, from all the things I've eaten, I'm rather fond of burgers. They're pretty yummy, but we don't have them very often."

The boy began to ramble more about his favorite things, becoming passionate when talking about them. While there wasn't much he seemed to put his enjoyment in, he certainly enjoyed them to the fullest. Most of the time, he would bring up Sora or Asuka, saying how grateful he was for them, his smile wide and joyful. However, when he found (Y/n) staring at his smile with an amused chuckle, he would blush and look away, although his smile would never fade.

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