Chapter 59: Priceless

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Asuka hadn't spoken to the ravenette since (Y/n) had left. She hadn't even acknowledged his presence, refusing to go on jobs and only glaring at Enmei. There wasn't anything that the grey-haired boy had done, in particular. It was only that he had omitted the truth about what Sora had planned to do. He hadn't known from the beginning, but the second he knew, it seemed he had backed off being with either girl.

It seemed Asuka was right. He had only wanted a romantic attachment with the (h/c) haired girl, but when he saw he wouldn't be able to have it, he gave up completely. He couldn't stand the fact he would be without someone he was close to, choosing to seclude himself instead of suffering loneliness he couldn't control. Yet that wasn't the choice Sora or Asuka had made. So once again, it seemed Asuka was right.

The orange-haired mercenary was currently in the process of snapping at everyone that got near her, especially men, not that any girls wanted to approach her. They knew what was going on between her and Sora, the sudden disappearance of the (h/c) haired girl quite obvious, evading the idiots, of course. Some were still under the impression the younger girl was still in the estate, seeming as Sora hadn't snapped at anybody or shown any sign of anger.

"I don't understand," one of the girls in the harem huffed, looking over at the orange-haired mercenary, "Why is so she mad at him?"

"Honestly, can't expect a girl to stay around her for too long," one of the other girls chuckled though it was weak and full of disheartening feelings, "We either get tossed away when we become boring, get killed from knowing too much, or become Master Michi's plaything. All result in death, don't they?"

"One of those options is worse than death," a third girl pitched in, "There's so many stories about him, y'know? I heard the girls he owns are branded like cattle!"

"Well, I heard that he is into like super kinky stuff like intense sadism! He's killed so many because he like gets off when they bleed to death!"

"Why do you guys always have to turn everything into Master Michi? I thought we were talking about Asuka!"

It seemed that no matter what happened around the estate, the main focus was on the orange-haired girl and her rocky relationship with Sora. Though the ravenette didn't act like anything was wrong, that was precisely why everyone was fearing when he unleashed it all. On the other hand, Asuka showed her anger and frustration openly. There had been many times where she had started fights just because someone said something about the (h/c) haired girl behind her back or mentioned Sora's name.

And that was precisely she wanted to get out of the estate, away from the ravenette she had a grudge against. Not only had he omitted the truth about what he had intended to with (Y/n) in the first place, he'd given her away to the very person she begged him to let her stay away from. It was downright criminal of him, not that she should have expected any less. He wouldn't even say what he planned to do with the man she traded her for. In other words, he put a price on the (h/c) haired girl's life and deemed a man's higher. Asuka wouldn't have it.

What she had in mind would have ordinarily made Sora throw a fit about her going, worried for her safety, but she couldn't have cared less about what he thought. She also didn't bother to tell him where or what she was doing. It wasn't like his opinion would have mattered to her at that point. He obviously thought the same, not bothering to discuss the trade with her even when she could have offered valuable contributions.

Asuka pushed away all of her thoughts, trying to set aside her feelings to enjoy herself once more. It wasn't anything compared to acting like a child or running around the halls in her socks with (Y/n), but it was something, and she desperately needed it. It was like being separated from a highly addictive drug, making her think of anything she could do to get another taste. But what a rare drug it was.

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