Chapter 6: An Uneasy Feeling In Two-Thirds Of The Tale

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I turned my head, ignoring Yusei walking in front of me, to look back at Masaru. He seemed to be in some sort of panic, making me tense and look around for anything that could have possibly caused it. However, I hadn't heard anything, and I definitely hadn't seen anything. My first thought was that it was Akari and he had come to help me, but there was no trace of whatever made Masaru jumpy. So I let out a sigh, feeling despair. I would probably forever be trapped here.

I leaned down to the German Shephard and began to pet him in an attempt to calm him down. He gave a confused growl and then looked down in what looked like shame. He seemed to feel bad for some reason, but he curled up in my lap and covered his face with his tail, whining as I pet him. The poor dog must have missed Yamato. After all, the two had usually been together the entire day, no matter what, but ever since I was abducted and taken here, he had acted like my guard dog. I would rather have that than a statue-like man, so the two of us had gotten pretty well.

That being said, I've never seen him react in such a way unless something was wrong, making me uneasy. I kept my ears and eyes open for anything that could harm us, but whatever it was chose not to reveal itself. So I leaned down and gave Masaru a kiss on the head, making him cheer up just slightly and stand up. Yusei still looked down at Masaru strangely, and placed his hand on his chin, thinking. He seemed to have an idea of what it was that spooked Masaru, but still, I was left in the dark. That's how it always was. And I had to bite my tongue and bear it like an obedient little girl.

. . .

"I have so much to show you," he had said.

"I don't want to see any of it!" I screamed, pushing him away as I gritted my teeth, "I can't bear to look at you! You're a monster! Let me go!"

"Hah?" Yamato chuckled, greatly amused by what I said, "And why would I do that? I've already decided that you're mine, so you'll be treated as such. Since you're mine, you're going to live with me."

He pushed me into his car with his dogs and sat in the back with me as Yusei drove us to the estate. No matter how hard I thought, I was never able to come up with anything to help myself escape. He covered everything. Yamato pulled me into an embrace in his lap and placed countless kisses on my jaw and neck, trying to reach every new space on my skin he possibly could. At that point, he was still incredibly bashful, his cheeks bright red, but that didn't seem to stop him from enjoying the contact between us.

"I love you," he said, both passion and insanity in his voice, "Believe me when I tell you I don't want to hurt you, but I'll need to if you misbehave. No matter what happens, I'll make you love me, but before that, you'll be obedient. You won't ever try to run away from me again. You'll want to stay with me. And in order to do that, I'll have to train you."

. . .

He had said that, but as far as things turned out, he was only partially correct in his statements. While he had attempted to "train" me and make me obedient, he did it to himself, too, and drove himself insane. He completely lost it when he knew he had to punish me for something and teach me otherwise. The punishments were never fun, often ending with innocent blood being shed or me being starved until I admitted what I did was bad.

As he forced himself to go along with them, he began to go mad with worry, often ending the punishment prematurely. He felt too strongly for me and ended up making himself obedient to me at least partially. Now he had completely scratched the idea of punishing me unless I did something very bad although I knew better. There were two things that warranted his wrath, often ending in him breaking down or breaking someone else and that was either me attempting to run away or my taking interest in someone that wasn't him. Of course, Yusei was an exception, for the most part, although I knew Yamato wouldn't hesitate to do away with him if I truly fell for him. Not that he wouldn't mourn for his best friend.

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