Chapter 22: Upgrade

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Enmei wasn't really in the greatest of states after the (h/c) haired girl he thought he'd fallen in love with had rejected him. He had remained on the roof, watching as the sun set beyond the distant hills. Something in him didn't feel right. It was just empty. It hadn't been the first time he'd confessed his love to someone he'd just met a few days beforehand. And it certainly hadn't been the first time he'd been rejected.

Still, he couldn't stop it from hurting. He didn't know why he expected anything different. Considering who he was, it didn't exactly shock him, but he didn't want to rely on Asuka forever. She had always protected him and stood up for him because he was weak. The (h/c) haired girl had been so kind to him, he couldn't help but return her kindness. He just wanted someone to share his troubles with. He didn't mind who they were as long as they understood and cared for him.

Asuka had always warned him he always attached himself in an entirely unhealthy manner, but he never listened. As far he was concerned, love was a complicated thing that he didn't understand. However, it was something he wanted to understand, even if it meant giving himself entirely up to the person he wanted to love him. In his eyes, that was the price of love, and he vehemently believed that was the only way someone would look at him. He just had to be useful, and maybe they wouldn't mind him so much.

As he was lost deep in his thoughts, the door to the roof opened, and a familiar ravenette stepped onto the top of the building. He looked over at the grey-haired boy, seeing his curled up figure and feeling pity for him. It wasn't right, but he wouldn't be able to remedy the situation. Instead, he could only do something for the girl the younger male had scared. So he stood over the boy, clearing his throat as he took a drag of his cigarette.

"I need a favor," the male said suddenly.

. . .

(Y/n) was curled up in a blanket with Asuka, watching random comedy movies to raise their spirits while eating the orange-haired girl's surplus of junk food. She even showed the younger female where she kept all of her snacks, inviting her to them whenever she liked. The two were having a fun and relaxing time with one another, and though Asuka had work, she put it off to comfort her duckling.

In the middle of their time with one another, the Seraphina entered, running her hands through her navy colored hair as she gave a bored expression. Asuka held (Y/n) close, putting her hands over the girl's ears in case the woman wanted to start a fight. The orange-haired girl wouldn't let her bring down the younger girl's spirits again even if it was unintentional. But the navy-haired girl only gave an eye roll and put her hands on her hips.

"I was told to come and get you two," Seraphina said bluntly, "The rankings are about to start."

Although Asuka gave her a threatening stare, the navy-haired girl just rolled her eyes again and walked out of the room with a strut. She clearly wasn't happy taking orders from anyone, but judging that she had listened, Asuka found a suspicious reasoning for it. Moving her hands away from the younger girl's ears, she gave a comforting smile and lent her hand to the girl who took it without the slightest bit of hesitation.

As they reached the bottom floor, the two walked through the hallway and into the main dining hall where everyone else was gathered. Most were drunk, cheering names of their favorites or booing those they weren't too fond of. (Y/n) stuck by Asuka's side, clutching onto her shirt as they moved through the area. There were some men that complimented her on her fragile and timid-looking state, but it wasn't particularly kind nor a compliment.

The (h/c) haired girl remembered the look of the girl who came in last, and it didn't appear as though she was going to be let off the hook for it. And judging the fact that (Y/n) hadn't been mingling with anyone else, let alone touching them, she was well aware she would be last. And she was dreading the moment it was announced, and what would happen after that. It seemed like a tragic fate.

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