Chapter 33: The Secret That Wanted To Be Kept

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(Y/n) found herself wandering among the halls of the estate. If she wanted to, she could call it adventuring, but really, she was just lost. There were too many doors and far too many hallways for her to remember her way around. She knew the main ones, but she had accidentally taken a wrong turn and found herself in an unintentional maze. The building confused her greatly, and though she was trying to find her way back, she couldn't retrace her steps without making her head spin even further.

She opened door after door, trying to see if any of them were familiar, but all she found were small offices or storage rooms. As she closed the last door she touched, she let out a heavy sigh, turning around to see far more turns than she remembered there being. So she reluctantly began to turn back, peeking around corners only to see hallways that looked the exact same as the one she was just in.

Though aggravating, she didn't have a choice but to pick on and venture on, but her expression made her look like a vagabond. She put her finger to her lip, letting out an irritated grunt as she encountered yet another dead end. The (h/c) haired girl wondered how anybody could navigate the labyrinth-like building. Then she began to wonder if Sora and Asuka had been in each and every one of the rooms in the estate. Perhaps it was just as strange to them as it was to her.

As she continued walking, almost like a zombie, she encountered a group of men conversing. They looked just as ragged as any of the other people the girl saw around the estate, tattoos of a white tiger on different parts of their bodies, symbolizing their allegiance to the Gensai Group. It wasn't that they were any different than any other person the girl ran into, but at that moment, they seemed to take an interest in her, recognizing her as the newest girl in the rankings.

Some of them gave curious expressions as they stared at the girl, wondering how she had such a high rank when they hadn't even seen her before. Others were measuring her, trying to figure out what about her Sora seemed to like. There were mixed reactions, making their faces seem in disagreement with one another over her, but their staring and gazes made the young girl uncomfortable. Thus, she did the only thing she could have at the time. She turned back the way she came from.

"Hold it," one of the men snapped, grabbing onto her wrist as he took a few large strides forward.

The older man's grip was tight and unrelenting, making the girl feel just the slightest bit of pain from his force. He held her arm up as he let himself and the others behind him to observe her. The men seemed curious about her reaction, cocking their eyebrows as they made their assumptions about her. Though she struggled, the man was of a much larger build than her and much older. He seemed to be in his forties, making him have little tolerance for her disobedience and pushing.

"I heard she's a virgin," one of the men chuckled, "Strange Sora keeps someone like her around. Bet he's saving her for something special."

"Leave me alone!" the (h/c) haired girl snapped, "Asuka will kick your guys' butts when I tell her what you're doing!"

"Then I guess we'll have to make sure she never finds out," the man holding her wrist said, his face deadpan.

As the girl's eyes widened at what the man could have possibly meant by that, she began to kick at his shins, only making him grip tighter on her. The men came closer, surrounding her as she became humiliated, enjoying her flushed cheeks, dreading what was to come. Their faces seemed taunting, prompting chills to run up her spine. No matter what she did, they only came closer, touching her even if she tried to push them away. There didn't seem to be enough respect for women in the estate.

They were able to touch her for a little while, but it seemed her shouts and screams attracted the attention of a savior. A shoe was thrown from a few feet away, smacking the man who gripped onto (Y/n)'s waist square in the nose. He let go of the girl, throwing her back to the other men as he prepared for a fight. A flash of curly grey hair flickered by the (h/c) haired girl, and Enmei's fist flew towards the man, intending to start a fight with him. It was bizarre for the usually soft-spoken boy, but he seemed intent on delivering a blow.

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