Chapter 8: Shocking!

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A burst of laughter rang through the air as Amaryllis burst into laughter so hard, she began to tear up, clutching at her stomach. Yamato didn't seem nearly as amused, only patting (Y/n) on the head as he looked away with an irritated expression on his face. Yusei turned to look at the two, Rue being awfully quiet as she hid behind the younger male, the gazes of some of the members drilling into her soul.

"Sorry," Amaryllis said, tucking a lock of yellow and green hair behind her ears, "Let's start over. My name is Amaryllis Hisaki although you can just call me 'Lis'. I'm Yam-Yam's older sister! Nice to meet you."

"Adopted sister," Yamato said, growling.

"Yeah, yeah, same thing. Anyway, I came to meet you, (Y/n). Yam-Yam's been head over heels for you, isn't that right? Besides, it's been a while since I've come home, so here I am. Seems like nothing changed. Well, you've changed, haven't you, baby brother? You're all lovey-dovey? What happened to that violence in you?"

Yamato smacked Amaryllis away, clearly embarrassed by her words, and pulled (Y/n) into a possessive hug, growling at the older woman. He seemed reluctant to let her speak to his beloved, but she was insistent on talking about embarrassing moments in the brunette's past. Most of it was blocked out as the yakuza heir put his hands over the (h/c) haired girl's ears, refusing to let her hear anything said. Although he wasn't able to for long, he at least blocked the information he would never let her have. Not on his watch.

"You're cursing a lot," (Y/n) commented, surprised to hear him say so many bad words.

He looked to the side for a moment, trying to figure out why that was. After all, around her, he did his best to control his mouth, but many times he couldn't help it. Around other guys, he would often curse them out for so much as looking at (Y/n), but she didn't know the real him yet. She knew the arrogant part of him as well as the overly loving, protective, and possessive side of him. But if he had it his way, she would never see the violence he was capable of or why he earned the name Kage.

"Am I?" he said, pretending not to notice, "Sorry."

"Sorry?" Amaryllis repeated, jumping back in surprise, "When the fuck did you start saying 'sorry'?! That's creepy and unnatural! Stop it right now and give me my stupid brother back!"

"I don't fight when (Y/n)'s with me, but I'll be sure to kick your ass later," the brunette said, tucking the (h/c) haired girl into his neck, "Aren't you hungry, kitten? You haven't eaten anything."

The girl was then spoonfed carefully by the yakuza heir, the boy taking steps to ensure he didn't harm her in any way, shape, or form. His sister sat down beside him and began watching in fascination. Though he was irritated, he focused his attention on (Y/n), making sure to savor the moment to the fullest. While he knew the girl in his arms was incredibly embarrassed, she let him continue to feed her, something he took a lot of pride in. It made him more than a little ecstatic to see he wasn't shunned by her.

As dinner ended, Yamato picked up the (h/c) haired girl in his arms, giving her a small grin as he chuckled at her surprised reaction. He then took her back to his room, Masaru greeting them happily as he pushed his head against the brunette's leg, demanding attention. The yakuza heir set (Y/n) down on the bed gently as he laid down to throw his arms around her waist, his large smile never fading as he drifted into sleep. Masaru laid down next to him, standing guard until he too fell asleep, dozing off to dreams of chasing squirrels in the garden.

(Y/n) wasn't so quick to fall asleep, still pondering what was watching her earlier, but she couldn't figure it out. It was a harsh and calculated gaze and it made her feel unsafe and vulnerable. So much, in fact, that she flinched when she heard an owl hooting in the distance and buried herself in Yamato's chest, making him stir from his sleep and smile widely. He then placed his arms around her, tucking her head into his neck as he rubbed circles on her back, hoping to give her comfort.

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