Chapter 35: Innocent Cupcakes

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It'd been a day since (Y/n) had seen Sora, rumors circulating about him having a crisis over one thing or another or his father having died. Of course, they were just rumors, and the ravenette was simply tired over the amount of work he'd had to do as of late. In fact, it was rather tiring, especially when the ways that he typically got out his stress were losing his interest. Instead, he could only suffer by himself and tap his foot impatiently, looking over new documents his father had sent him concerning the slave trade expanding into Echal.

Even seeing the girls of his harem were not nearly enough to take the edge off. Every now and then, he'd call one or two of them in, but he couldn't find the energy to play around with them. Instead, he'd clench his fists when they did something even remotely wrong or said something that accidentally pissed him off. All the male could stand to do was have one of them be around to rub his shoulders or feed him. And even then, it was almost like they were playing with fire.

At the moment, the ravenette was in the process of reading a document he was supposed to sign and deliver to Enmei. It was intended to be the final string before the slave trade was officially introduced to Echal, and he was reluctant to sign it, to say the least. Next to him sat Seraphina, kissing down his jaw. She had intended on drawing his attention, but he only stared blankly at the paper before him.

"Why don't you take a break?" the navy-haired girl suggested, "You've been working all day."

"That's how it works," Sora sighed, rubbing his face as he let out a small growl.

"Well, if you won't take a break, should I grab you something to eat?"

"No, I'll do it myself. Need a walk."

The ravenette stood up and tossed the paper to the side, making it float down to the bed where Seraphina was. She looked at it curiously before laying down on the bed and taking a sip of champagne, watching the older male leave. The room was left empty, aside from Toma who growled at the navy-haired girl. She gave him a sneer back and rolled her eyes, taking another sip of the drink and fiddling with her phone.

As Sora walked down the room, he rubbed his neck in annoyance as he walked by others. They looked at him strangely, but none of them dared approach or start a conversation with him, knowing how irritated he was. Should someone try, it was likely they would end up six feet under without hope for survival. Nonetheless, it didn't stop people from staring, and they stared relentlessly.

Stepping into the dining hall, the male leaned onto the lunch counter. Though it wasn't any time near lunch, and, in fact, a little more towards dinner, he hadn't eaten in quite some time, and he didn't want to wait any longer. As a cook approached him, they bowed respectfully and took his order for what he wanted. However, about halfway through the conversation, there was a large shriek behind the kitchen door.

Surprised, the ravenette leaned forward, trying to see what had happened so suddenly, but he was only prompted with the nervous laughter of the cook. He gave a shy look, his eyes darting to the side, which only prompted the younger male to jump over the counter and burst through to the door. He was greeted with the sight of a filthy orange-haired girl, joined by the familiar (h/c) haired girl.

They seemed to be covered with flour or some kind of powdered sugar, coated in it as they laughed furiously. Relieved it wasn't a break-in or a fire starting, the ravenette let out a heavy exhale, running his hand through his hair. He then furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing the two in his kitchen completely filthy. Not only that, but it seemed that they would prove an obstacle to him getting something to eat, noting the counters doused in white powder.

"What the fuck are you two doin' in here?" Sora snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Um, I was trying to bake," Asuka chuckled, pointing at her outfit, "but clearly I set the mixer too high."

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