Chapter 51: Because I Love You

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Yamato was beginning to feel his heart beginning to slow as if he was dying, which he was. He had failed to bring (Y/n) back, failed to even locate her, and his body was paying the price. It seemed he was beginning to fall back into a deep heartbreak, posing a giant risk to his well being. He stopped eating once more, stopped sleeping, stopped doing anything. He wouldn't even look at Kiana, the (h/c) haired girl's dog, bringing him painful memories. At the same time, he could barely look at his dogs, even Masaru who was so loyal in sticking by him, trying to do tricks to amuse his master.

On the other hand, Yusei was struggling to turn his attention away from the heartbroken brunette in order to provide him with the very girl he needed. The little ravenette was having trouble with even that though. The location the messenger had sent shook his very soul, making his effort take a hit. There was so much pressure on him to succeed, especially because of the very real threat Yamato would fall into another coma and not wake up.

He was currently in the process of arranging a solution to infiltrating that troubling location. The Gensai Group's main estate would not be so easy to break into, requiring a more tactful plan. Knowing he would not be able to enter, bringing far too much attention to himself as an infamous escaped slave, the ravenette had decided that he needed a scapegoat. In order to enter the Gensai Group and be able to find (Y/n), he'd need someone that knew Sora, that Sora knew. And that someone had to be Rue.

"I-I can't go back there, Yusei!" the platinum-haired woman shivered, holding her arms around herself to contain her terror, "He'll kill me! He'll know! Do you know what he does to girls like me?!"

"Please, Rue, Kage needs this!" Yusei begged, feeling himself about to cry, "If he doesn't get (Y/n) back, he'll die! I'll lose him! You have to help! You just have to!"

"No! Nothing would convince me!"

The two were in disagreement about the solution to Yamato's ailment. Though he desperately needed her help, Rue seemed to constantly reject the idea, clearly scarred from what she'd experienced in the Gensai Group. No matter what, she'd reject it, even when faced with bountiful rewards for helping. Money didn't seem to convince her, neither did protection. Though Yusei had promised to have constant surveillance on her and interfere if something happened, she still didn't budge.

"He took you in!" the ravenette cried, trying to plead and place guilt on the older girl to convince her to help, "He protected you from him! He fed you, gave you a roof over your head, even gave you money when you asked for it! Why can't you do this one thing for him?! He needs it! He'll die!"

"All he has is a broken heart!" Rue argued, backing away, "No one's ever died from that! He'll be fine! Get him another girl that he'll fall in love with!"

"You don't know Kage like I do!" Yusei growled, feeling great anger with the platinum-haired girl for abandoning the brunette, "He'll only be fine when he sees (Y/n) is alright! That is the only way he'll be himself again! He doesn't want another girl, he wants her! Don't make him suffer more than he already has! I'm only asking you to check to see if she's there! It'll take less than a day and I'll get you out of there immediately afterwards!"

"I hear drama," Amaryllis chuckled, popping her head into her brother's study to see the two arguing immensely, "Hey, hey, what's happening here?"

The two turned away from one another, shunning their existence with a grudge. It seemed they had gone from good friends to complete enemies, holding something over the other. Neither dared to look at the one across from them, making the brunette's sister give a small chuckle. She didn't seem to think such a thing would happen between the two. They seemed so close just a bit ago, after all. Yet now they were in the largest fight she'd ever seen.

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