Chapter 34: Looking For Clues

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Yusei was seated on the bed early in the morning, playing with the small kitten as it reached up to swat at its feather toy. The ravenette seemed truly enamored by the playful creature, his cheeks pink as he took great enjoyment in its eagerness to swat at a nonliving object. The two were in sync, taking note of the other's intentions before the small kitten began to attack the boy's belly.

Perhaps it thought it was being a scary beast, but, in truth, the animal's barrage of swats felt more like a small tickle than a brutal assault. Yusei took joy in its demeanor, observing how, after it attacked, it rubbed its cheek on where it attacked as if to apologize or numb the pain. The kitten's energy then depleted and it curled up on the boy's lap, snuggling into him as it drifted into sleep, comforted by its new owner's petting.

When the sun began to truly rise, the boy turned his head over at his friend who was beginning to wake up. Though he was nothing near being a morning person, it seemed his eagerness to find the (h/c) haired girl was making him change if only slightly. The brunette sat up in his bed, Masaru perking his head up as he felt the bed move. Yamato gave an exhausted groan as he woke up, placing his hand on his forehead as if he was sick.

"Breakfast?" Yusei asked, "Vethela is known for its crepes. Want one?"

"No," the brunette sighed, walking to the shower, "I want to start the search after I take a shower. You can get whatever you want."

The ravenette nodded his head, and pet his kitten on its head, making it purr happily. Yusei then began to get dressed, pulling a sweater over his head to combat the cold weather contrary to the climate in their home country. He then put on his pants, socks, shoes, and a scarf for good measure. The younger male then filled Masaru's bowl with some dog food and a treat Yamato had gotten the day before to fuel him up for the day ahead of him. The german shepherd was thrilled to eat, scarfing down his food, ignoring the kitten gnawing on his tail. Not long after, the yakuza heir walked out of the shower, rubbing his head with a towel.

The brunette then began to dress in a warm kimono, tying it tightly and snugly before he put on his sandals. One last time for good measure, the male rubbed his head with the towel, trying to get it as dry as possible. He then looked at himself in the mirror and inspected his facets, trying to seem as neatly looking as possible. Though (Y/n) wasn't there with him, he still wanted to look his best when he saw her next. The thought made his cheeks flush pink and he looked to the side with an embarrassed yet loving expression.

"Ready?" Yusei asked, stretching his arms behind his back, "I've got the address in my phone, so if we head over, we should be there in 3 hours or so."

Yamato nodded his head and inhaled deeply, dipping his head down and splashing his face with water. He then shook his head and followed the ravenette out of the room. Masaru trotted along right beside his master while the kitten stayed behind. Of course, the ravenette wouldn't have left the kitten by itself. In fact, he'd arranged for a pet sitter to watch over the creature and play with it for the time they were away. But before he left, he kneeled down to the kitten, pet its head, and put a kiss on its small, wobbling head, giving it goodbye.

The brunette led his loyal friend and dog down the elevator and through the hallways of the hotel. In front of the large building, a limousine was waiting for them. As they got inside, Masaru bounded on the seats, excited about where they were headed. He sat down in between the two males and looked from the left and to the right, his tongue sticking out as the car began to drive. His excitement didn't fade out the entire ride, only barking as he saw other dogs in the window or people he didn't recognize; which was nearly all of them.

Along the ride, Yamato relaxed in his car seat, listening to the audio recording Yusei had given him while tapping his foot impatiently. The ride made his nerves bundle up in anxious tangles which anyone could see was greatly affecting him. That being said, he tried to remain the calmest he possibly could the entire ride through. Yusei would occasionally start up a conversation with him, hoping to keep him sane.

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