Chapter 5: Not Enough Answers

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In the morning, everything continued as normal. Yamato showered, and after, the two of them were dressed by some kind of servant, then the two of them headed to breakfast to eat with the rest of the members. A lot of them were noisier than usual, piping up about what they thought happened on their date, some of them spreading rumors about the new platinum-haired girl, among other things. However, it was all the same. The members all seemed to take great pride in Yamato and went out of their way to show him how much they respected him. That being said, as of the moment, they were embarrassing him so much he turned bright red.

"Oho," Yusei said, snickering at his shyness, "Should I tell them what really happened? That unbeknownst to you, you'd fallen head over heels for this new platinum-haired girl and that your heart was shunning (Y/n)?"

"I-I would never!" Yamato blushed, shouting loudly and slamming his hands on the table, "I love (Y/n) with all of my heart! No one could replace her! I haven't so much as looked at another girl since I've fallen for her! Don't say something like that ever again!"

The brunette suddenly became much redder and completely silent as he noticed how loud he was talking. He covered his mouth, looking at the (h/c) haired girl he was talking about to see her reaction. She only looked away, her cheeks visibly red, but from embarrassment or bashfulness, he couldn't tell. It wasn't like he had a lot of time to figure it out because suddenly the room burst out in loud talking, the members discussing what Yamato had said with great passion.

"You mean that, young master?!" one of the men yelled.

"O-Of course I do," Yamato said, beginning to rub his arm in nervousness, his nerves jittering, "I love...I love her with all of my heart. S-So stop saying I don't, dumbasses!"

"Then is that new girl Yusei's girlfriend?" one of the women chuckled, "Looks like the little runt is growing up."

"Yusei? No way! I always thought he had a thing for the young master!" another man shouted in surprise.

At the mention of this, the black-haired male almost spit out his drink, his cheeks becoming red as he narrowed his eyes. The man that had said that rubbed the back of his neck and let out a little chuckle as he continued to eat. Yusei let out a sigh and shook his head, taking a sip of tea and looking over at Yamato. The brunette cocked an eyebrow as the younger boy stared at him with such conviction.

"I'm 80 percent sure that I'm straight," he said, a weird kind of determined look in his eyes.

"That's...uh...good for you?" the yakuza heir scoffed, "I mean, I wouldn't care either way, pal. Straight or otherwise, you're still an idiot and I'll treat you as such."

"I love you so much, Kage!" Yusei said, hugging his best friend and nuzzling into him much in the same way a child would to its parent.

"Oi," the brunette frowned, pushing the boy away, "For the record, I'm straight, so I can't return your affections. Besides, sorry to say it, but I've already chosen (Y/n) to be with for the rest of my life. Find someone else."

Yusei let out a little laugh, continuing to eat his breakfast while he peered over at the (h/c) haired girl, seeing she still refused to look at anyone. She was covering her face, but her ears were a pinkish color, making it seem that something that had been said embarrassed her. Yamato frowned, seeing her state and pulled her close to himself, resting her head on his shoulder and placing a light kiss on her forehead.

"This is okay, right?" he asked, seeing the looks of his members on the two of them, "I mean, it's not too much?"

"No, it's fine," the girl replied, "It's fine."

"I want to show you more affection," the brunette blushed, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear with careful delicacy, "You know, I mean it when I say you're the only one for me. Whether that's for the best or the worst, I don't care."

Macabre Moonlight (Yandere Yakuza x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن