Chapter 58: Pure And Utter Relief

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Yamato couldn't remember the last time he had felt so motivated, so ecstatic, so full of life. It seemed a strange taste in his mouth at first, but it only filled him with an inordinate amount of relief and affection. He couldn't process it so easily, stunned that he was reunited with (Y/n) after so much strife and agony of attempting to find her. So many times had he and Yusei been discouraged, but, at last, she was home.

Upon returning back to the estate, the brunette found everyone swarmed around the entrance, cheering as the car pulled into the driveway. It seemed that Yamato's mother had informed everyone that the (h/c) haired girl had been found, prompting a celebration to occur. Yusei was finally relieved, able to rest easy now that the yakuza heir had her back. As for the brunette, he only clung to (Y/n), hugging her in relief, trying to still his heart from being so fast out of fear for what Sora might have done.

Still, he had inspected her, as much as he could without stuttering or blushing furiously, and he hadn't seen any sign of wound or malice done to her. She was perfectly unharmed, and he couldn't have been more grateful for it. He couldn't wipe the smile off of his face nor could he stop his tears from flowing, filled with both joy and hurt. Yet it seemed he was still over the moon about having her return with him, holding her close, but not enough to make her feel suffocated.

As they stepped out of the car, Yamato was met with wave after wave of his members patting him on the back of ruffling his hair, congratulating him. Some greeted (Y/n), but most thought it best to let the brunette have her to himself for the time being. That would have been the smart choice as he was highly alert, running to her side when he found another chatting with her. Masaru just ran around with the utmost of energy, barking louder and louder to alert the other dogs that their master was home.

"Did you want to rest?" Yamato asked, panicking over her state of mind, "I can get you some tea or some food if you wanted, too. Is there anything that you wanted?"

The (h/c) haired girl shook her head, not keen on talking. Though it disturbed the brunette, spiralling him into thinking she was too upset or frightened to speak, he let her do as she wanted. The brunette knew it would be better for her to adjust to being back in the estate at her own pace, not wanting to push her, fearing she may break. He didn't know what happened, so he was aware he wouldn't be the best to help. At least, not at that moment.

"I'll take you to our room then," the yakuza heir said softly, leading her past all the enthusiastic observers, "You can relax or do whatever you - "

Before the male could finish his statement, (Y/n) threw her arms around his neck, closing the gap between their lips before stopping completely. She gave a distressed and perplexed look then pulled away with a confused expression, shaking her head as she put her hand on her forehead as if she felt sick or something of the like. She didn't know how to react to everything that was happening, but her heart couldn't deny her thrill over seeing the brunette. Especially after he put so much work into finding her, she couldn't put aside her feelings. Not at first anyway.

Yamato didn't know how to react, his lip trembling as his golden eyes shook and widened. She had completely stunned him, pausing and halting every action he could have taken. He didn't even have the ability to process what happened. The only thing he could do was look down at the (h/c) haired girl, his cheeks a bright red, resembling a strawberry. At the same time, he heard his heart beating loudly in his chest.

"I-I," he stuttered, unable to get a single word out via his shock, "Room...yes, room."

Upon spitting out the last part quickly, the brunette intertwined his fingers with hers, gently tugging on her hand to lead her inside. Through the hallways and corridors, the only thing Yamato paid attention to was the beating in his chest and the way his eyes would trail to the younger girl. At times, he would almost run into someone else or a wall, not wanting to take his eyes off of her, but when he became embarrassed at this, he covered his face. It didn't do much to disguise his bright pink cheeks, however. Not much could.

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