Chapter 19: Throwing The Dog A Bone

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The door to (Y/n)'s room was knocked on, at which point the white-haired girl she'd seen a few times before entered, giving a respectful bow. Despite her high position in the harem, it seemed that she was fairly timid. The reason for that eluded the (h/c) haired girl, but she gave her full attention to the older girl who fiddled with her blouse as her purple eyes scanned the room. She seemed to feel out of place.

"Master Sora has asked to see you," she said quietly, shying away from the guards in the room, "I'll lead you to him if you'd like. He said he had important information about Kage and that he'd figured you would want to know."

Though (Y/n) would have refused to just see the ravenette for no reason, especially if it didn't benefit her, the enticing information of knowing what Yamato was up to was oddly effective to increasing her motivation to see him. She didn't believe that Sora was lying, especially when he gave a reason for asking to see her. So for once, she decided to place her trust in him for the time being. As she followed the white-haired girl, two of the guards followed. Clearly they didn't trust her anymore.

The walk was uncomfortably silent, only the clicking of the white-haired girl's heels was heard as well as a few coughs from the guards. As the (h/c) haired girl was led to the top floor and the older female opened the doors to Sora's room, she saw no sign of the ravenette. Yet the white-haired girl led (Y/n) further into the room, the guards stopping in their tracks. They, apparently, didn't have any clearance to enter the master bedroom. Or perhaps it was because they were too intimidated by the yakuza heir.

As the white-haired girl stopped in front of a door, she gave a small cough and shook her head before letting a wide smile grace her face. She then pushed open the door to reveal the shockingly large bath (Y/n) had seen a while ago. Inside, it appeared that Sora was bathing, relaxing himself, the smell of lavender floating through the air. It was more disconcerting when the (h/c) haired girl saw that Sora was not bathing alone. Multiple girls from his harem were accompanying him, their attention solely on him.

"Hm?" the ravenette grunted, throwing his head back to look at (Y/n), "Oh, that was quick. Didn't expect you to be so eager to learn 'bout what your darlin' has been up to."

"My darling?" the (h/c) haired girl said, trying not to gag as she turned around, crossing her arms over her chest, "I was told that you wanted to talk, not bathe. I hope you know I'm not joining you in there."

"Did you expect me to make time out of my schedule for you?" the male chuckled, letting out an amused sigh after, "Well, aren't we confident? I would have just lost it if you joined me in here. I would have to take you right there on the spot."

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you," (Y/n) commented, making the ravenette smirk.

"Is that so?" he grinned, tapping his fingers on the edge of the bath, "Just so you know, doll, I don't chase my women. I ain't gonna chase you."

For some reason, the (h/c) haired girl felt the urge to let out a sigh of relief, but decided to hold it in, lest she annoy the master of the house and get herself killed. He didn't seem to be in the greatest mood. The ravenette pushed his hair back, almost looking as though he'd gelled it, when in truth, he only used water. Some strands of his black hair fell in front of his forehead, and the look seemed effortless on his part.

"Disappointed, girly?" Sora smirked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the younger female, "I wouldn't blame ya. Anyway, join me in here or not, I don't care. You're only here to make things easier for me."

"Uhuh," the (h/c) haired girl said, rolling her eyes, her back still facing Sora, "Do you enjoy having women fawn over you?"

"Can't say I'm not a fan," the male retorted, "I'm a fan of beautiful women. I only have the best babes. 'Course they don't hold a candle to me. I'm too perfect to have just one. I need to be shared with as many people as possible."

Macabre Moonlight (Yandere Yakuza x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα