68: put me back into a coma

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A/n: Told you we'd come back with yet another update. it's the least we can do since we havent updated in 6 months.
Both Nate and I feel very bad that we left you guys hanging, any questions you have for us leave in the comments and we'll answer them. We need more interactions with you guys knowing that y'all are still alive.

Oh and one more thing...there's only two more chapters to this book :) and those two chapters will be coming up.

An hour, an hour to trying to open my eyes. An hour since everyone left for the football game I have yet missed another football game of my dearly beloved brother and friends. The last football game of the season and this was a big one.

Alright Lizzy stop talking to yourself and open your eyes...

Do it for your family

For your friends

For Kyle

For yourself

"Holy shit..." A blinding light was positioned right at my eyes making it hard to see. Blinking a couple times to get the eye boogers off and realized it finally happened

I'm finally awake...

"Of course Austin forgets his helmet on the chair, that boy's a forgetful bunch." The door suddenly opened and in can Dr. Preston looking a bit agitated, but when does he not.

"Mm." I tried to catch his attention, but my throat wasn't cooperating with me.

"The boy will get a long talk from me when he sees me-AH GRAVY!" As Dr. Preston turned around to go outside, he must've noticed me since it looked like he just saw a ghost.

"Lizzy? Lizzy! You're awake!" He cheered, rushing towards me as he dropped Austin's helmet in the process.

"Mm." I tried to speak, but I knew it was a lost cause. Instead I pointed towards the pitcher of water and then my throat

"Oh yes you must be thirsty after being in that long coma of yours, just wished you would've woken up earlier when everyone was still here." He said, pouring me a glass of water which I gladly took away from his hands and took the biggest gulps of water. "But the good news is YOU'RE AWAKE!"

"I've been trying to wake up for the past hour..." I sighed stretching my arms and feeling the great sensation of my bones cracking.

"Really now? That's interesting..." Dr. Preston said looking at the monitors and writing something in his clipboard. Walking towards the helmet, he swiftly picks it up and was about to depart.

"Well, I should probably start heading out, Nurse Chelsea will be here to assist you in everything you nee-"

"Can I come?"

"Lizzy, I don't think that's a good ide-"

"Please Dr. Preston..look I'm perfectly fine." I smiled moving every limb in my body.

"Not with that cast on your leg, but I'm sorry."

"Dr. Preston, please I didn't get a chance to watch my friends and brothers play at least one single game because I was practically dead."

"I can't believe I'm doing this...but I swear Lizzy if I lose my job because of this."

"Then you can put me back into a coma if you do." I smiled, happy with the outcome of this little argument.

"Alright, wear this sweater, this scarf, mittens and these fuzzy socks. Don't want you to get cold now do we?" He laughed throwing me the item of clothing. When he threw the sweater, I knew exactly what it was:

#1 Baby Sterling

"Alright, I got the wheelchair. I'll just hook the IV bag when we arrive there. Now are we ready?" He asked, already bolting out of the room at a sufficient speed.

"Let's watch my first football game!"

* * * * *

"Dr. Preston! It's too cold outside." I whined looking at the sudden smoke coming out of my mouth. It's as cold as days if you're only wearing a hospital gown, a sweater and garments.

"Give me a sec, after I hook up your IV bag I'll get the blankets from the back." Dr. Preston said, swiftly hooking the IV bag onto the pole and went back into the trunk to grab what seems like two blankets in his arms.

"Alright, good thing I leave these in the trunk just in case it gets cold like this during Austin's games." He laughed, placing the fuzziest one on top first before he laid the other one.

"Wait-are these the ninja turtles?" I couldn't help but laugh at this one certain blanket.

"Don't question it, Austin can't play without wrapping himself in that thing."

"Remind me to use that against him, now come on! Wheel me away to my destiny!" I shouted raising my arms in the air as he wheeled me towards the football stadium where nearly all the bleachers were filled.

"Holy shit, that's a lot of people..." I said in awe, as he wheeled me closer and closer as the shouts became louder.

"Auuugh." suddenly, I felt this immense pain flowing through my head.

"Lizzy are you-"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Promise." lies, the pain was starting to grow, but I tried my best to push it back a bit.

"Alright,It's already halftime." He assured, pushing the wheelchair at a slow and steady pace so I wouldn't feel dizzy.

Taking a quick peek at the crowd,I noticed everyone was there. They all seemed so happy; laughing and cheering along with the crowd watching the teams fight for the win.

"Stay here okay, keep your hood down because it's cold." He said, fixing my hood to make sure it's secured in place.

"Yes sir-"

"Dad! There you are I've been calling you for the past couple minutes." Austin, my best friend...it was him.

Even if it was from a distance, I can still hear their conversation loud and clear.

"Sorry sport, been busy back at work." Dr. Preston said, passing the helmet to Austin who quickly placed it on his head.

"Liam you said their hot dogs were cheap, who pays 9.00 for a dang hotdog-oh shit."

Bang! The wheelchair was bumped against the side of the bleachers causing me to collide with the fence with increased the pain from my head.

"Auuugh!" I shouted so loud holding onto my head, but there was one thing that seemed off.

My hood came off in the process.

"Oh ma'm I am so sorry, my friend here wasn't telling me where to go and we were bantering about hotdogs and how expensive one was an I'm so sorry I-"

"It's okay." I squeaked, still holding my head."Dr. Preston!" I couldn't hold it anymore, everything hurts.

"Dr. Preston-AHHH!" It was like someone smashed a brick on my head.

"Ma'm are you okay? Do you need- Lizzy?" Who was this person, and how do they know me.

"HELP PLEASE IT HURTS AHHH!" I screamed probably catching everyone's attention. Looking up, I noticed who it was.


"LIZZY! MY BABY!" Dad was the first to react, with tears in his eyes he held me so tight I thought I wasn't able to breathe.

"When did you wake up? Are you okay? Why are you here? It's cold, you need to go back to the hospital."

"Dad I'm okay, I promise." I assured him, still holding my head with the slightest pain.

"I can't believe you're here....I'm sorry if-"

"You don't have to say sorry, I was the one who ran out and did this to myself."

Looking up I noticed there was a group of people stampeding through this way screaming the same thing.


It was my family, and a whole bunch of them.

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