52:You're not a psychotic freak

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A/n: I'm sorry I left you guys with that utter ending, but they finally met. There's going to be two POV's in this chapter, the first one's going t be Harry's. Then after the little * it's Elizabeth's. If you get it just read it and I'll give you hints on who it is. Next chapter 30 votes, it talks about everything. Sorry if it's short too

"Kyle?" Jake was the first from all of us to say his name. Did he know? Of course he did Harry he was there when Julia was pregnant.

"Kyle Robert Sterlings at your service sir....sergeant sir..." Kyle stammered wiping a sweat tear running down his forehead. Just like his old man, sweats when he's nervous.

Harry shut up you don't even know if that's him still.

"Oh my God." Louis gasped secretly looking from Lizzy, to Kyle, then to me. Any second now his eyes would bulge out of his sockets.

"What? Is there something wrong Uncle Louis?" Lizzy asked staring at Louis in confusion.

"Huh?What? No, I was going to say..Oh...Oh my God-"

"What happened to your forehead?" There comes Daddy Zayn to save the awkward Louis as he approached Lizzy and inspected her forehead.

That should be me doing that to her, the sudden urge of my dad instincts were placed aside until then.

* * * * *

"It all started when these people." I started off, pointing towards the four idiots."Decided to give me up as a sacrifice to the wave of girls swarming the building and as you can see I gave in As I was ran out, I bumped into a group of Barbie Sorority girls who wanted to cut my hair because you guys were their idols."

"Hold on it gets better." I said holding my hand up."So then I ran away from them,well I ran too fast which ended up with me bumping into Kyle and hit my head on the concrete sidewalk. Long story short I fainted and got these stitches,but it makes me looked like a bad ass to be honest." Once I finished my story, I looked up to see that they were all just staring at me, then to Kyle, then back at me. 

"Ummm..is your family always like this?" Kyle whispered as we both looked back at my family who still looked lost. 

"Based on your parents and your brothers, I think your family's much more normal than mine." I said which ended up making the both of us laugh at the same time. It was funny too because we had similar laughs. 

"Kyle?" We both stopped and see Uncle Jake looking at Kyle. "May we speak to you for a bit? We just want you to answer some questions to make sure Lizzy bear isn't associated with a psychotic freak."And leave to Dad to make quick assumptions.

Walking towards an open seat, Kyle and I both sat on each side of the one seater couch thinking the other was going to sit in the middle. 

"You can sit there." I said pointing to the seat. 

"It's alright I'll just sit here, more comfortable and relaxing to my butt." Kyle joked rubbing his butt against the arm rest.

"Right on Dad's favorite chair too." I laughed watching his face turn into horror. 

"Are you seri-"

"Okay Kyle, please state your full name, age, birthday, and occupation." Uncle Jake started, he's acting like Kyle's some sort of terrorist. And occupation? Seriously? This isn't a job interview. 

"Okay...my name is Kyle Robert S Sterlings, I'm 16 years old. My birthday's on June 10 and my occupation? is student."

"We have the same exact birthday's Kylie!" I cheered, giving him a high five as I heard a couple of sharp intakes of air from my Uncles. 

Well that's not weird at all.

"Do you know what the S stands for in your name?" Harry asked

"My parents didn't really tell me what I was, but dad said my mom was too high in the clouds when she wrote my name, so it could be an extra S from Sterlings." Thinking about the way Mackenzie acts now, I'm surprised. 

"Tell us somethings about yourself." Dad asked giving Kyle an amused look. 

"Umm, well I was born with blonde hair, then it grew into these somewhat brown curls.I don't know how I guess sorcery. It's weird because my parents have blonde hair and blue eyes, but I have green ones. Umm..what else..oh! I never told anyone this but I have four nipples that can be classified as connect the dots." And sure enough Kyle lifts his shirt to reveal all four of his nipples connected to a rhombus. 

"God you actually connected them together." I said face palming my head, but four nipples reminded me of something. 

"Hey, you know my other Dad here has four nipples too." i said pointing towards Harry who looked down at Kyle in admiration. 

"Are we some sort of nippling related?That'd be cool." Kyle asked still holding him shirt up while staring at Harry.

"Sure, we be nippling related." Harry said giving Kyle a smile and flicked one of his nipples.

"Back to the questions, who are your parents and what are their occupations." Uncle Jake asked.

"Occupation again?" Kyle whined, but saw that Uncle Jake was staring at him."Robert and Mackenzie Sterling, occupation both Doctors at the London Hospital sir.They used to be Doctors down at Australia then relocated here."

"Do you have a picture of them if I might ask?" Leave it to Uncle Jake to ask weird questions like these.

"Umm, well I kept this old picture me when I was a baby with my parents and a lady that might've been my Auntie and my cousin." He said fishing for his wallet to take out a folded piece of paper which he gave to Uncle Jake.

The picture must've reminded him of something because immediately when he saw it he dropped it to the ground and stared at Harry.

"Umm..you're good Kyle. We'll be right back for a bit." He stammered."It was a pleasure meeting you Sterlings." And they were off to the kitchen doing God knows what.

"So... did I pass?" Kyle asked squishing his rhombus stomach together.

"You're good I think, you're not a psychotic freak that they thought you were."

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