53:Super Burritos

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A/n:Hey guys,so since you guys pretty much went up to 30 votes on my last chapter within days,here it is! Any feedback or questions would be good too. Anyways you know the drill, 30 votes for the next chapter.

It was him, he looked so much like Harry. It was seriously crazy that no one caught on with his appearance. I mean with the brown curly hair, the green eyes, even the four nipples!

But the picture says in all, he had the same exact one as I did on my phone. No one could've gotten that photo unless it was either from Julia,Robert,Mackenzie or me. I remembered the day like it was yesterday.

"Jules?" I asked peeping my head out the door. "Robert and Mackenzie are here for you."

"You can tell them to come in I guess." She said not paying to me,but to her two little bundles of joys in her arms.

Elizabeth Anne Styles and Kyle Robert Styles, two precious twin siblings that can't be inseparable, until today.

"Okay then." I said opening the wider to let Robert and Mackenzie inside where try greeted Jules and the babies.

"Are you sure you're up for this Julia?" Mackenzie asked walking towards the side Kyle was."It's hard ripping a family like this apart."

" I'm sure about it Mackenzie, just please take care if him. Looks like he'll be a handful." Julia sighed, kissing Kyle's forehead one last time and handed him over.

Why the fuck are you doing this to me?to us? He's my first nephew and maybe only nephew and you're giving him away like that? It's called using your brain Julia use it sometimes.

"Julia please-" I said trying to change her mind, but was interrupted by the loud squeals of the twins crying.

What surprises me next was seeing the two holding out their hands towards each other like they didn't want to let go.

"Aww, that's cute."Julia and I said in unison, looking at each other we were used to the whole talking at the same time. Somewhat of a twin instinct. 

"Can we take a picture?It's the least we can do." Mackenzie asked interrupting our Philip twin instincts that just happened.

"Yeah sure here's Kyle." Julia said,passing Kyle to Mackenzie as she held onto Elizabeth for dead life.As she stood up, I went to the other side of the room so I could take the picture. Julia stood up from her bed and stood next to Mackenzie with Elizabeth in her arms,Mackenzie held Kyle in her arms with Robert next to her.As soon as I took the picture from Mackenzie's phone,I quickly took one on mine. 

"There you go." I smiled, looking down at the picture I took just minutes before.There's his family, the family that'll love him as much as we did. 

"Thank you so much Jake, I'm sure Blake and Parker will fall in love with him." Mackenzie gushed staring at the picture on her phone saying how cute they all were in it. 

"Umm wait..Mackenzie?" I asked walking towards her. 

"Yes Jake?" She asked cradling Kyle in her arms like she was already used to him in a couple of minutes. 

"Is it okay if you can take a picture of Elizabeth,Kyle,and I?" I asked handing her my phone and passed Kyle to me. Same goes with Julia as she passed Elizabeth in my other arm, it pretty much looks like I have two super giant burritos in my arms. 

"Okay! now say cheese!" Now that Mackenzie says that, I'm really in the mood for for a burrito right now. 

"Thank you so much Kenzie." I said passing Kyle back to her and kept Elizabeth in my arms,examining the picture. From the way Elizabeth yawning mid way and how Kyle had saliva bubbles forming around his mouth. I knew these were Harry's kids as well.

"Kyle?" Turning back around,I looked to see Mackenzie.

"No matter what you and Julia are always welcome to see Kyle at our house.Just tell us when and we'll be ready."

"Thanks Kenzie,you don't know how much that means to us."

Little did we know a couple weeks later they had moved to Australia the day we wanted to visit. 

Ever since that day, I've kept the picture of the twins and I as my screen saver no matter what phone I got. I kept the same picture to remind me to find them and I did, both of them. A couple months after Kyle left, Julia just couldn't take it anymore,she wasn't herself at all. 

Eventually she gave up on Elizabeth because she reminded her of Kyle so much.She decided to bring Elizabeth to her dad Harry,so she would have a clean slate with her life. No baby, no adoption, no problem. I on the other hand decided to live my dreams of becoming a Sergeant and look where I am now, for the past 16 years my dreams came true.

"Jake what was that about?" Harry hissed as the other boys stared at us in confusion.It was probably weird how I strutted away from the living room with the boys behind me, but this is important.

"Look at my phone and tell me the babies don't look identical ad the pictures are the same." I said showing my screen saver, then the picture that Kyle showed us earlier.

"That..that..what?" Harry asked his face as pale as a ghost in seconds.It's now or never.

"I didn't get to tell you guys this but Kyle is Elizabeth's twin or in this case, your son." I said looking at his expression, oh yeah I forgot her knew already.

"That cant be..." Harry trailed off trying to look stupid.

"Cut the crap Harry I know Julia told you this a couple of days ago and you were going to look for him" I hissed lowly staring at him for a while.

"Okay okay-wait how did you know that I know that Kyle was my son?" Harry asked using hand gestures making the problem more confusing.

"All these boys don't know how to keep a secret, they could be on an episode of Gossip Girls or something." I said pointing at the four boys who were looking at me offended.

"Now what are we going to do?" Niall blurted out.

"We do as much as possible to get Kyle to trust us and call me Dad."Harry said looking determined about his plan to get his lost son.

"Wait, I know this is  a random subject, but how long have you been a Sergeant Jake?" Zayn asked pointing at my jacket which showed all the merits and achievements I've earned to be at the spot where I am today.

"As old as my niece and nephew are." I said showing them all the picture of me with Lizzy and Kyle in my arms.

"They look so cute." Louis said staring at the picture more closely.

"I should've been there..." Harry mumbled.

"But dude, super burritos." Leave it to Niall for saying food based sentences in a serious matter.

Five Dads and One Baby || One Direction (MAJOR EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora