25. Strong

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I felt bad for leaving you people with that type of cliffhanger, so I'll update now! Next Update: December , 2013. Also, I'm deciding to change my book cover. If anyone is willing to make me one, e-mail me at angelasdfghjkl13@gmail.com


Everything just happened in slow motion. One moment I was screaming at my dad for God knows what and next I'm on the floor clutching my right cheek. I feel so lost in life right now, like what did I do wrong to even deserve this type of lifestyle?

I look up to see Zayn's eyes looking down at me with such concern, but when he turned around to face Harry. Those eyes changed just by the snap of the fingers into anger.

"YOU.SON.OF.A.BITCH!" Before Zayn could tackle him, I grabbed his forearm and held it with all my might telling him to calm down. He looked down to meet my eyes again, this time my eyes were pouring with tears. My other Uncles were all off the couch trying to give some space between my Dad and Uncle Zayn.

"Uncle Zayn please... not now. Just not yet" I sobbed still clutching onto his arm like a koala. His eyes softened a bit and properly carried me with my legs wrapped around his waist. I blocked everyone out but could feel and hear people screaming and Uncle Zayn's other arm moving around.

"Where are you going with her?" My dad screamed, guess he was mad?

"What? YOU EXPECT ME TO LEAVE HER HERE WITH YOU?" Uncle Zayn spat with so much envy in every word in the sentence, yet caused my to tense up a bit in his hold.

"Well YES SHE'S MY DAUGHTER! YOU'RE NOT HER FATHER!" Dad shouted feeling an arm wrapped around my waist trying to pry me off of Uncle Zayn, but Uncle Zayn felt Dad trying to grab me and used his strength to pull me away from him.

I couldnt help but let out a small whimper escape from my mouth which stopped the two from pulling me apart.

"Are you okay Lizzy? See what you did Harry?" Uncle Zayn yelled at my Dad walking closer and closer to him until they're barely inches away to touching foreheads.

"What I did? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ELIZABETH TO MAKE HER SAD? WHAT DID YOU TELL HER UPSTAIRS?!" Dad screamed pushing Uncle Zayn out of the way and coming towards me and clutching my wrist tightly and bringing himself eye level from me.

"Now Elizabeth, tell me what HE said to you? Did he try to rape you or anything?" Dad asked accusing Uncle Zayn of the stupidest shit I've heard come out of him mouth.

"No... please you're hurting me" I whimpered trying to pry myself off of Dad's death grip, but failed miserably since he keeps tightening his hold on me


"NO! HE DID NOTHING TO ME WHATSOEVER DAD. NOW YOU START ACTING LIKE A DAD? WOW! I'M IMPRESSED, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ALL MY LIFE? WHERE WERE YOU ON 6TH GRADE GRADUATION? OH YEAH OUT I'M FUCKING BARCELONA WITH AMELIA THE COLD HEARTED BITCH HERE BECAUSE SHE WAS SICK OF THE COLD WEATHER HERE IN ENGLAND AND WANTED SOMEWHERE WARM AND HOT? IMPORT HER TO AFRICA FOR ALL I CARE!" I spat every word I said to my Dad who was shocked and angry. This gave me the time to loosen myself from his grip and ran towards Uncle Louis arms who started whispering soothing words in my ear trying to calm me down.

"Oh so you think I was never a dad to you Elizabeth? WHO THE FUCK TOOK YOU IN WHEN YOU WERE LEFT AT MY HOTEL ROOM DOOR? DON'T BITCH TO ME ABOUT NOT BEING A DAD. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN ALL YOU EVER DO IS LOCK YOUR DAMN SELF IN YOUR ROOM LIKE AN ISOLATED BITCH YOU WERE YOUR WHOLE LIFE!" Dads words stung a bit to me, but not dramatically. I know it must feel hard to hear those words come out of my Dads mouth but what am I supposed to do? He's my dad after all, but what he's saying is complete bullshit.

"You know what? I just cant do this anymore" I said barely a whisper releasing myself out of Uncle Louis' arms.

"What do you mean Elizabeth? Not having any friends? Be anti-social your whole life? You're finally having friends? Wow, such shocker!" Amelia bellowed sarcastically waving her arms in the air.

"Don't talk to her like that, EVER" Uncle Zayn's voice overpowered the room in a instant shutting up Amelia.

"Don't talk to Amelia like that, she was just saying her own opinion" Dad said trying to defend Amelia but not me? There goes the bomb...

"Then you made your decision..." I said clapping my Dad sarcastically and slowly. They all looked at me like I was crazy, but I'm not. I never was.

"What do you mean I made me decision? I didn't say anything Lizzy" Dad said trying to approach me but I placed my hand out in front of him.

"No, you actually did, defending Amelia instead of me your own daughter. Best way to lose someone you love right? Choosing someone else instead of your own flesh and blood?" I said calmly staring at my Dad who had a shocked expression on his face.

"No that's not what I meant Lizzy-"

"Only the people that love me can call me Lizzy, Harry" I simply admitted turning towards Uncle Zayn who had his arms ready for me. He's the only one that was an actual dad to me

"Liz- Elizabeth I do love you, why are you leaving me like that?" Harry asked looking desperately in my eyes for any type of forgiveness.

"I'm not leaving, I'm tired of living this life of being unloved by my dad" I spat coldly staring at him with so much envy

"Where are you going to go? No one wants you in their house" Harry said looking at the guys for an answer.

"Didn't I say I'm not going anywhere? I'm staying here until something does happen" I looked at Uncle Zayn and gave him a nod "Thank you Uncle Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn for coming especially you guys Aunt El, Dani, and Perrie. Love you guys!" And with that I spun on my heels and went upstairs thinking of what just happened.

I talked back to Harry for the first time

He slapped me, but that didn't affect me

I have the best Uncle who would do anything for me

I need to learn how to hold my emotions in, I need to be strong. I need to be strong for my friends, my Uncles and Aunties, and I have to be strong for my future self.

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