26. Erase Me

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Hello there! So in this story, there will be some parts where I'll rush things and some where I'll slow it down for you guys to understand. This is just the beginning of Lizzy's life and I'm saying right now, it'll get worse or good each step of the way. Next update: December 5, 2013


It's been 2 months since my birthday. 2 months since I was caught by Uncle Zayn in my room exposing my arms. 2 months since I was clean and exactly 2 months since my Dad slapped me. Nothing changed at all in my life pretty much everything's the same. Not being loved by my Dad and constantly being threatened by Amelia, but she isn't going to stop me from doing anything stupid. Well... until yesterday happened.

Yesterday was when I actually saw my Dads true colors towards me: hatred, regret, anger, disappointment. He even left a mark on my body hate to say it but what he did to me changed my life and his for the best.

Today was Friday meaning it was Dads' and Amelia's how many years anniversary, like I count the tortured years I had with that bitch...no sir. And guess who decided it was okay to leave me alone at home with no food or money to even buy food instead one rule 'Don't get out of your room'. Bullshit. I can do whatever I want it's my life.

Going downstairs with Milo to grab a juice box I froze right in front of the fridge, my hand holding the handle. Is someone trying to break in? The jiggling of the front door knob was heard from all the way over hear until I heard someone stumbling in.

"Harry calm down we're going upstairs and you're sleeping" Amelia's mouse voice was prominent in my ears making me shiver in disgust. Shrugging off their business, I quickly grabbed my juice box and tried to escape upstairs trying to be unseen until...

"Elizabeth get down here!" Dads' voice boomed around the whole house making me run towards the front to see my Dad holding Amelias' shoulder for support.

"Yes?" I said clearly not wanting to talk to him with her around

"Shut up I don't get why you're even alive. I should have let you cut yourself to death and everything would have been fine" His words started to impale my skin a bit, but it's not going to ruin me. Clearly hearing his voice and smelling him, he's drunk.

"Is that all you have to say to me?" I sighed getting pretty annoyed since this conversation isn't going anywhere.

 "DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT BITCH!!" HIs outburst caught me off guard that without me noticing he grabbed a chunk of my hair and threw me to the glass vase on the table that used to be perched n the table next to the couch now shattered on the floor and in between the skin of my arms and legs. Ignoring the stinging pain, I tried to get up  but was pushed by who I thought was Amelia, but it was Harry.

"Stay on the ground, no one wants you standing and walking on this earth anyways. You're just a disgrace to this family, I should have given you away when I had the chance" And right there ladies and gentlemen is where his words just slit through my skin, my emotions, and mostly my heart that lost a place for his sorry ass.

It must have been hours later where I woke up... didn't even know I fell asleep after my Dads' outburst, but enough is enough. I'm tired of his bullshit next thing you know he comes down and pretends that nothing happened. Something did happen and he's just going to erase it all like that? Is this some type of joke? I checked my surrounds to see if they're awake but found a clock that reads 4:50. Hmmm... they'll be awake at around 6 so I have time to leave from this hell hole.

I stood up just to feel a excrutiating pain on my arms and legs and remembered I was pushed to the vase that shattered on me, just like my heart towards my Dad. No tears were shed for him, it makes me feel weak crying for the one person who even made your life like this.

Quickly, I got up and ran upstairs and grabbed as much as I can like the important things and Milo's stuff and called the one person that promised to be there when I need him. And today is finally that day.

I grabbed my phone and called the number, after one ring he immediately answered

"Yes Lizzybear?" I should have done this in the start

"Uncle Zayn please.....get me" I tried my best to hold in the tears that were coming out, but I would never cry over someone who started this all.

"I'll be there in five Lizzy, stay calm and go outside and wait for me" He said and ended the call, giving me the opportunity to grab all three of my bags and Milo's stuff and brought them out to the front lawn, not before running back outside to grab and pen and paper in the kitchen drawer and started writing.

Dear Harry and Amelia,

Leaving was the only thing that's for me, but maybe me leaving wouldn't change anything since you guys act like I don't exist. Well, I guess you broke me right? I'm broken with all the things you said about me? That isn't true, it made me stronger emotionally and physically to step up and be courageous. Life ahead of me may be worse than how you guys treated me, but I'm prepared for the best. So do me one thing, erase me from your mind. Take down everything that reminds me of you and thrown it all away. Change my room into a work space or Amelia's dream closet she's been wanting, it wouldn't mater to me right? Since I was a disgrace in this so called 'family'? Stay close to each because  you two are the only ones you should love. I'm done being a Styles heck I didn't even feel like a Styles in the first place....

Forever erased in your lives,


Folding the paper and slipping beside and mug that Dad always touches every morning I ran outside to see Uncle Zayn already placing Milo and I's luggage in the car ready to go. Once he saw me I ran up to him and gave him a hug which he gave back, but his hug was filled with so much protection and happiness. It's time to start new and that time is now.

So here I am in Uncle Zayn's guest room living with Uncle and Aunt Perrie even their pets Prada and Hatchi. Aunt Perrie knew what happened to me and made me feel at home right away. As for Milo, lets just say he's living the life with two best friends who wont shut up. For Harry and Amelia, that's another story that's going to have to wait. It's not like I'm trying to avoid them in my life, it's just well...things are going to get dirty and serious. Welcome to my life...

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