43.A Broken Guitar and A Broken Heart

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Today is the day, Lizzy and I's one month anniversary and I'm scared as shit. How do you tell the girl you've been friends with for so long that you love her. Love is a word I only say to people I know I want to live old with and that's Lizzy.

Why am I acting so weird? Why does everything have to be perfect for Lizzy?

Because you love her dumbass

"Michael we're here." Mom said parking the car where the Teachers usually park. I hate to say this, but my Mom's the Principal of my High School.

Luckily, she used her original last name, Barbara. I thank the Gods my Mom didn't use that as my name. I mean, who would take me seriously if my name was Michael Robert Barbara.

"Thanks Mom I just need to get ready for the surprise." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and walked out the car with my supplies in each of my hands. 

"Hope it turns out well!" Mom called out as she walked towards the other way from me.

Walking towards the entrance, I was greeted by a couple of people knowing the surprise I was making for Elizabeth since they were all in it. 

 "Hey Mike!" Austin yelled as I walked towards the group with a huge smile on my face. 

"Hey guys, is everything ready?" I asked dropping the bags in my locker as they all nodded. 

"We got the Gym all decorated." Clarissa and Belle said giving each other a high five, they must've went all out. 

"I finished making the banner and placed it in the gym to dry." Austin said showing me his painted covered hands.

"I got the Cafeteria ladies to get the food ready for you two." Scarlet said giving me two thumbs up. 

"Thank you guys so much, I just can wait to see her smile." I said saying bye to them as I walked towards the front of the school to wait for Lizzy to get dropped off. 

"MIKEY!" A shrill rat voice squeaked as her heels clicked loudly down the hallways of innocent people. I swear I could rip my eyes out just to not see her, but I plan on keeping my sake. 

"What!" I whined still keeping my pace at walking towards the Main Entrance. 

"Mikey wait up I need to tell you something." Taylor's voice sounded worried and snobby at the same time.

"If it doesn't involve and relevance to my life then I'm out." I said as I made it towards the Main Entrance. 

"It's Elizabeth." Fuck.

"What happened to her?" I asked turning around to face her. If it involves anyone and I mean Elizabeth, then I need to know. 

"S-she was walking down the stairs and she fell." Taylor said as tears started to form in her eyes. 

"Is she okay?" I asked feeling a bit worried.

"I don't know the last thing I saw was her clutching on her ankle and I ran here to see you."

"Well we need to go now to see her-"

"Wait!" She interjected holding onto my shoulder, her nails digging through my shirt and possibly my skin. 

"Ow Ow Ow what?" I said trying to let go of her cat like grip on my shoulder. If I keep her hand on me like this, I could be a shoulder short.

"Can you hug me?" Are you fucking kidding me?

"Seriously Taylor? Shouldn't we go to Elizabeth to see if she's okay?" I said victoriously dancing a little Irish jig in my head.

Even though I'm not Irish..

"B-but please Mikey?Once we go there no one's going to comfort me when Lizzy goes to the Hospital." Her nasal voice sent shivers down my spine., not the good shivers. The ones where you just found your Grandma naked in a pool or something? Ew, ew my sanity.

"Look you're being a bit weird for me so I'll just leave you alone now-"

In a split second, I was pushed against the hard bricked walls of our school and a pair of chapped lips connected with mines. I didn't know what was happening, it was all so sudden that it didn't give me time to actually process it. I tried so hard to push her off, but she literally forced herself on me 'moaning' my name like we were actually making out.

I need to think quick before anyone saw this girl practically dry humping me. I immediately placed my hands on her waist and tried to drag her away from me and it was working! Until..


Whatever fell immediately broke Taylor away from my face, giving me the opportunity to wipe my mouth with my plaid sleeve. Looking up to see who it was, I felt like I was punched in the face.

"H-how could you?" The happy Lizzy I used to see everyday was right in front of me, but now with tears in her eyes. Looking down at her feet, I saw what the smashed object was. It was the Guitar I bought her as a present in Christmas during Freshman Year.

"Elizabeth please I can explain just let me-" I tried approach her, but was cut off with her hand sticking out in front of me.

"I-I cant believe you! YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, YOU'D DO THIS TO ME? In front of the whole school,my friends, and even my family?" Her voice suddenly became faint knowing her she's about to cry.

"It wasn't me it was all Taylor and she came on to me a-" I tried explaining.

This wasn't how this day was supposed to go. All of this wasn't part of my plan to tell Elizabeth my true feelings for her and our future together. Something tells me that whatever Elizabeth and I have now would be jeopardized from this day on.

Five Dads and One Baby || One Direction (MAJOR EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें