9: Please just be a dream

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"J-Julia?" I couldn't believe it.I felt a pump of adrenaline coursing through my veins but I had to calm down. For the sake of Lizzy and the families out in the back.

"Hey Harry" Julia answered like nothing actually happened

"What are you doing here?" I said gritting my teeth together preventing my anger to break loose

"How about this I.WANT.MY.CHILD.BACK!" She screamed trying to get through the entry way but couldn't since my arm is secured on both sides of the doorway.

"What do you mean YOUR child? YOU wrote a letter to ME saying that it's MY child since you DIED all of a sudden" I said calmly, but deep down inside I wanted to scream in front of her face

"I don't know what you mean Harry" She said acting like the innocent person in this fight

"JULIA YOU LEFT ME IN THE HANDS OF MY BABY SINCE YOU DIED!" I finally snapped, I couldnt take her attitude right now.

"Leave me alone and give me my child Harry" She screamed and kicked me where the sun dont shine, but not exactly at the jewels, mostly on my knees. I got up quickly to Julia charging towards Lizzy with a KNIFE?

I couldn't make it in time when Julia grabbed a hold of Lizzy who was screaming with fear. But the worst part was that she had the knife right on Lizzy's neck where she can slit a vein and kill her.

Don't talk like that Harry she wont kill MY child

"Julia don't" I growled in anger facing the worst nightmare I could ever think of right in front of me, everyone is on the side pleading for mercy, asking her not to kill her. But I already know that bitch wont back down to easily

"Or what Harry?Move any closer and Lizzy poo over here wont see daylight ever again!" Julia said as she started pushing the knife closer to Lizzy's neck. As I saw Lizzy struggling, trickles of blood started dripping down on her dress and on the knife.This sent my anger to a much deeper level. My knuckles clenching tighter and tighter, seeing my veins pop out. I just couldn't do anything.

"Julia stop!" I shouted trying to make a move

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO HARRY?!" Julia screamed sticking the knife deeper in Lizzy's throat as she tried to move away from Julia's grasp. I was trying to hold my anger in, not wanting to harm Lizzy anymore when I see someone in the back. I squinted more closely to see all four of the lads signalling to the trees. I was confused but still had to keep my eyes on Lizzy.

"Julia please just let her go" I screamed in anger. Adrenaline pumping through my body ready to fight.

"I'm afraid not Harry,if I cant get my child then you cant either!" She screamed pointing the knife towards Lizzy's stomach.

No, she wouldn't

"JULIA LET GO OF HER NOW!" I snapped running towards Julia.I knew I shouldnt run to her but I need to save MY child. But something stops me, as everything just came in slow motion

As I ran towards Julia, she sensed me coming and did the unexpected. She stabbed Lizzy and was about to stab her again but up top I heard Louis scream 'GO!' and Eleanor and Perrie came down and tackled Julia down on the floor making her unconsious just by on pinch on her nerve spot. Then Danielle came foward with rope and tied Julia up and towards the police, I didnt notice the police I just focused my view on Lizzy who is surrounded by a pool of blood. I ran towards her and carried her not caring that the blood is staining my shirt.

"Call the ambulance!" I screamed holding the most fragile little girl in my arms

Liam ran over here and tried to find her pulse" It's too slow we need to hurry!"

"It's on its way!" Niall screamed holding a phone in his hand and running towards us.

"Louis give me your shirt we need to stop the bleeding!" Liam shouted as Louis did as he was told

"Guys, she's loosing too much blood, I cant stop it" Liam shouted, panic running through his voice

"Quick check her pulse Liam please" I said feeling tears running down my cheek

As Liam tried to find her pulse, I could see he was searching for a while until his face changed from panic...to shock


That just made my heart break into millions of pieces. She cant be dead. No, dont say that to yourself

"Harry snap out of it! The ambulance has Lizzy and taking her to the hospital. She doesnt have that much time!" Louis screamed breaking me out of my trance

"My baby..." Was all I said as I broke down on the floor. Wishing all of this was a dream

Five Dads and One Baby || One Direction (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now